Chapter Three

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Valentina pov

A month had gone by and it was finally Halloween, the holiday I hated most. It was a reminder of what exactly happened all those years ago. Why my dad wasn't around, why Harry's parent's were gone...classes had ended early seeing as everyone was more interest in Halloween then anything else. It seemed like every day the news was just about my dad, nothing else. Students avoided me, glared at me, taunted me...some just ignored me completely. I didn't know how to feel about it seeing as I didn't really know anyone here besides the Weasleys, Harry, Draco, Hermione and a few others in Gryffindor.

Reaching the last set of stairs heading to the common room, a crowd had formed. I frown making my way to the front ignoring the looks I got.

"Bet you she helped..." I hear whispers and glare at the ones I catch. I finally push through the last few students and gasp as I realize what happened. Someone slashed up the Fat Lady. She was no where to be found in the nearby portraits and I had a bad feeling about who did this.

"Make way for the headmaster!" I hear Percy shout.

"Out of my way!" Professor Dumbledore, Filch and Snape appear along with Professor McGonagall. "Mr. Filtch gather all the ghosts, have them search every portrait throughout the castle." The Headmaster orders, but I've already found her. 

"Sir she's right over there" I rush over to the painting and Dumbledore is right beside me. "Who did this to you?" I ask as fear begins to rack my body. I was hoping it wasn't who I was thinking it was.

"It was the one that escape from Azkaban it's Sirius Black." Whispers erupt and I take a step back glancing around as students begin to stare.

"Ms Black Mr Potter if you would please follow me to my office." Dumbledore orders.

"Yes sir" Harry and I answer together.

"Professor Snape I would like you to get everyone into the great hall for tonight's excellent sleep over." Dumbledore has a twinkle of humor in his eyes. I giggle quietly as we pass Fred and George. I look down not meeting their eyes. 

"Bet you anything she helped him in" Harry turns to snap at Fred.

 "She was with me the whole time so back off Weasley." Harry grabs my arm pulling me away. We push through the grumbling students as they head to get blankets and pillows. We finally reach the headmasters office and take a seat as the headmaster paces in front of us.

"Do not listen to Mr Weasley Ms Black" I nod but I can't help but keep a tear from falling. 

"What was it you wanted to talk to us about?" I change the subject making Harry frown and glance over at me.

 "Well considering Harry is in grave danger I want to make sure both of you are alright." I look at Harry who nods confirming he was okay. "Now if I could speak to Ms Black alone" The dark haired boy squeezes my hand before leaving.

"What is it you wanted to discuss Professor?"

"Word has it that there is a Marauder's Map going around. If Sirius Black were to get his hands on it...." I sigh knowing where he was going with this. "If you wouldn't mind asking your caregiver Remus about it."

"I got it, Professor." I smile rising to my feet. "I'll find the map." I promise but I didn't agree to bring it to him. I had some idea of who would have it but I had to ask Remus first.

Thankfully with George's help I was able to learn how to sneak through the castle without being seen. I could hear Snape walking through the halls muttering about my father but ignore him as he passes by my hiding spot. Once I hear his footsteps disappear I immediately head for Remus' office knowing he'd still be up.

Knocking on his office door I worry if he was okay or not. Last night had been a full moon and I wasn't able to help him through it considering he had forbid it during the school year and I knew Snape was helping him with the Wolfsbane potion. I had offered to make it for him but Snape refused to let me close to his supply closet.

"Remus?" I knock again and hear shuffling inside. "Can I come in?" The door finally opens and I step inside looking up at my godfather. "How bad was it last night?"

"It was better than some." He shrugs sitting down. "Shouldn't you be in the great hall with the others?"

"Yes but I've been asked by someone to find out what the Marauders Map was." I plop down in the seat next to his desk as he turns to look at me.

"Where did you hear that?"

"My source is to remain unknown," I shrug as he sighs. "What is it?"

"It's a map, a map that your father, James, Peter and I came up with it while we attended school here. We were able to create it to show the entire map of the school, including everyone in it. If your father got a hold of that map he would know where both you and Harry were at all times." Remus explains. "Filch took it from us our senior year and none of us were able to get it back."

"I'm positive I have an idea of who has it." I grumble. "No wonder those two were always able to sneak through Hogwarts and get away with so much shit."

"Language Val." Remus tuts making me sigh. "Come on, I'll walk you back to the great hall in case we run into Severus."

"What happened between you two that was so bad?" I question as we make our way down the stairs of his office.

"Growing up James and Severus hated each other, they were always bickering and insulting each other going back and forth. One night while I changed Sirius had tricked Snape into going to the shrieking shack..."

"He didn't." A hand flies to my mouth as I realize why Snape hated the four of them so much. "My father..."

"James barely got to Snape in time to save him." I could tell Remus felt remorse for what my father had done.

"Lupin." We both turn to see Snape stalking towards us. "What is she doing here?"

"I was escorting her back to the great hall Severus." Remus puts a hand on my shoulder. "She wanted to get something to eat from the kitchens seeing as she had missed dinner."

"No excuse." I felt bad about what my father did to Snape. Granted from what Remus told me about Snape he wasn't all that innocent either but for my father to do what he did....

"Come along Valentina." I nod following the two professors from the hall. Lucky for me Harry knew I'd be along and had laid out a sleeping bag for me. "Get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning." Remus promises. I nod again and plop down into my sleeping bag curling up into it. I watch as my godfather and Snape walk away hissing to one another about something. The last thought of my mind was if I would ever get to see my father again.

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