Rons birthday gone wrong

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Val's pov
Today was Rons birthday. I got him a new broom a Nimbus 2001. "Here Ron, happy birthday " he stares at the broom mouth open shocked.

 "Wow!" Seamus exclaims. 

"Hey Val what's that there on your ring finger?" Dean asks.

 "Fred proposed!" Ginny squeals.

 I blush, "He better not hurt you" Seamus growls. I roll my eyes laughing

"if he does you'll be the first to know" Seamus smirks and I shake my head. I see Draco and notice he doesn't look good.

 "You know what guys I'll see you later." I stand up making my way towards Draco. He spots me and quickly starts turning and running away. "Draco!" I call. He disappears into the boys bathroom and I burst in to see a bunch of boys. "Out!" I shout. They all get out except Draco. I lock the door and turn to Draco. I had also put a silencing charm on the door. "Draco tell me what's wrong!" I demand.

 "You wanna know what's wrong?" He snarls. He shoves his left sleeve up revealing a dark mark. I throw a hand over my mouth. 

"Oh Draco" I whisper. "Why?" I ask. 

"I was forced to, because of my father" He explains sharply.

 "Draco I'm so sorry" I hug him. 

"You can't tell anyone." He tightens his grip.

 "I won't" I promise. 

"There's another thing, Bellatrix plans on kidnapping you this summer, they were making plans." Draco tells me.

 I nod, "Why me?" I ask. 

"Because you're a Black!" Draco explains.

 "Actually..." I trail off biting my lip. 

"What?" Draco asks. I raise my hand and show him the ring. "Weasley proposed?" He asks taking my hand in his. "When's the wedding?" He asks. 

"The summer after my seventh year." I explain. 

"Listen to me okay? I don't know what's gonna happen but you can't come back next year," Draco grips me tightly. 

"Why?" I ask.

 "IhavetokillDumbledore" He speaks quickly.

 "Wait what?" All I heard was kill and Dumbledore. "You have to kill Dumbledore." I was shocked. 

"I've been going to the room of requirement, when I let the others in I want you to promise to be in your bed no matter what okay?" Draco looks at me with complete seriousness. 

"Draco..." I murmur softly. 

"Promise me!" He snarls. 

"I can't make that promise Draco I'm sorry." I apologize. 

"Do you love him?" Draco asks. 

"Yes," I answer. 

"Than stay in bed" Draco states.

 "I promise to stay in bed" I promise crossing my finger under my robes. I head out the door and sigh. Harry was right, god why didn't I notice the signs before. I spend the rest of the day with Hermione or reading in my room. Around nine I decide to go to bed because I was exhausted.  I was asleep later that night when Harry came rushing in. "Harry?" I question as he shakes, me, Ginny, and Hermione awake. "What's up?" I ask.

 "Ron's been poisoned." We all take off towards the infirmary worried. "I saved him but he's resting now." Harry explains. Hermione takes his hand as soon as we get in there and I sigh knowing his parents are flipping out. Oh Ron.

Hate on me (Fred Weasley love story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat