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Val's pov

Ron had to stay in the infirmary for a while because of the poison but Madam Promfrey was able to heal him completely. A bit of drama went down between Ron, Lavender and Hermione in which Ron broke up with Lavender while muttering Hermione's name while asleep. I was glad those two were finally together but damn it took them long enough.

Keeping Draco safe was my top priority right now considering the fact that he had to do what he had to. I kept trying to keep Harry off his back but it was hard considering the boy was deadset on my cousin being a death eater. He wasn't wrong but I wasn't going to tell him that.

"Draco isn't a death eater for the last time Harry!" I growl as we sit at the Gryffindor table in the great hall.

"Yes, he is and I'm going to find out!" Harry snaps back.

"Harry leave it alone, maybe he isn't up to something and just keeps disappearing during his hours off for a reason, if I had someone who kept following me twenty-four seven I would want to disappear too" Hermione comes to Draco's defense surprisingly.

We both look up just in time to see Draco walk into the hall but freeze when he sees Katie Bell who Harry had gotten up to greet. I see my cousin go pale and turn rushing out.

"Draco!" I call rising to my feet. I push by Harry giving him a glare as I rush after my cousin. "Draco!" I follow him all the way to the bathroom and burst in not caring if there were other boys. He looks up and I see he had been crying. I walk closer and he steps away from me.

"Go away Val." He shakes his head. "Please."

"You're my cousin and I'm the only one who knows what's going on. Please let me help you." I beg him reaching for his hand. He lets me take his hand in mine and I pull him into a hug letting him cry into my shoulder. "It'll be okay Draco, I know you didn't mean to do it." The door opens again revealing Harry.

"I know what you did Malfoy. You hexed her didn't you?"

"Harry, don't." I warn him as I pull away from Draco slightly. My cousin raises his wand and throws a spell at Harry making him dodge. "Draco!"

"Stay out of this Val!" He pushes me to the side and I fall to the ground as the two begin to swap spells.

A spell hits one of the sinks causing water to spurt everywhere soaking my socks and shoes as I search for my wand. It had fallen out of my pocket when Draco had pushed me away from him.

"Stop, this is madness!" I finally spot my wand and rise to my feet again holding it tightly. "Please don't do this, don't make me pick sides." The two pause trying to find where the other was at in the bathroom and I watch as Harry leans down to check under the stall before jumping back. The two fire spells at each other before coming to a stop at the ends of the hall.

"Sectumsempra!" I hear Harry exclaim, that was a spell I had never heard before. Draco collapses to the floor and I immediately rush to his side.

"Oh shit." I see blood start pooling from his chest and rip my own sweater off to try to stop the bleeding as Harry walks closer. "Ssh Draco just hold on okay?" He was whimpering in pain making me turn to my 'friend'. "Go get help! What are you doing just standing there! He'll die!" I hear more footsteps and look up to see Snape who immediately bends down pulling my sweater away from Draco's chest and muttering a spell while waving his wand over the wounds.

Harry turns rushing away from us as another kid who heard the commotion stares at Snape and I. I glare at Harry's retreating back before turning to Draco and running a hand through his hair. Snape finishes healing him and I sigh with relief.

"He's going to need rest." Snape informs me. "Take him to his dorm." I nod and slowly help Draco up wrapping an arm around his waist. Thankfully for Fred and George I was able to get us both through the halls without anyone seeing us. Reaching the snake that locked the Slytherin common room I glance at Draco to see if he could tell me the password. But there wasn't any need for it seeing as the snake opened the door anyway.

"Thank you." I murmur to it as I help Draco into the safety of the common room. Thankfully no one was in there and I didn't have to explain why I was there. I help Draco into his dorm and he's able to undress and slide into bed himself. "Rest as long as you need to, I'll be there when you're ready." I promise him before leaving the dorm.

Stalking through the halls soaking wet with blood stains on my blouse caused quite a few confused and concerned looks. I don't stop as I head up to the common room the fat lady letting me in without hesitating. My eyes scan the common room and finally stop on the boy I was looking for.

"Valentina look I didn't know-"

"You didn't know?" I stalk forward as Hermione and Ron share confused looks. "YOU DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THAT WAS USED FOR AND YOU STILL DID IT?"

"I'm sorry!" Harry apologizes trying to get away from me but I pull my wand and pin him against a wall.

"Valentina what-"

"Stay out of it." I glare at the other two who share a concerned look. "He could've died had it not been for Snape! Don't ever come near him again or I swear Harry Potter it'll be the last thing you do." I threaten lowering my wand. He relaxes as I turn away from him but I whip around nailing him in his nose breaking his glasses. "That was for Draco."

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