The Wedding of Bill and Fleur

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Val's pov

The morning of the wedding was the only hope that the Weasley family had. After the battle of the Potters everyone was on edge but what really shook me to my core was the fact that Voldemort was not only after Harry but me as well now. 

Snape had appeared in my bedroom this morning without notice without letting anyone else know and had told me that they were planning to kidnap me soon. 

"Why are you telling me this?" I question as his face finally shows something more than just anger and hate. 

"Your mother saved my life once." Snape states quietly. "I owe it to her to try to keep you safe." I only nod as he sighs before disappearing with a wave of his wand. 

They were going to try and kidnap me. That meant they were probably going to come during the wedding...throwing on my bridesmaid dress I quickly make my way downstairs knowing this was more important than getting ready at the moment. 

"Val?" Pausing I stop to see George...with a toothbrush sticking out of his ear. "Are you alright?" 

"I'm good George, have you seen dad or Remus?" The red head shakes his head before I was moving out the door to see most of the Weasley's helping raise the tent for the wedding. "Remus! Dad!" The two are immediately appearing by my side. 

"What's wrong?" Dad questions his eyes scanning me for any signs of harm. 

"I've got word that the death eaters are going to try and kidnap me." The two frown sharing a look. "Apparently Voldemort wishes to see me whether it be because he wants to get back at me for almost killing him or-" 

"Almost killing him?" Remus repeats. 

"Oh." I duck my head shifting as I feel the two come to a realization. 

"You didn't." I nod as tears spring my eyes before I'm glancing back up at my dad. 

"I didn't mean to. It just...I got angry, I was so angry for him taking Cedric and trying to hurt my family that I used the killing curse. I hit another death eater...." My dad sighs taking me into his arms as him and Remus share a look. "I didn't mean to." 

"It's alright sweetheart." Dad promises. "It was you or them." 

Shaking my head I pull back to look at him. "What if he had a family? Or was being forced?" 

"Dear all that matters is that you're safe." Remus states. "In war, there is no room for guilt as it is your life or theirs..." 

"Valentina!" Turning I see Ginny standing by the door. "Come on you need to get ready and help with Fleur!" 

"Go on." Dad gives me a slight shove. "Go get ready and have some girl time." Nodding I quickly head inside missing the look on Fred's face as I pass him. 

The last time I had spent this long getting ready was when I attended the yule ball with George. Now looking back at it, the signs were clear as to why Fred had treated me so badly when we were together and how angry he was with Cedric. 

"-don't you think?" Blinking I stare at Ginny who was giving me a look. "Thinking about Fred again?" 

"No." A lie, one that neither one of them believed. 

The red head sighs as she finishes with Fleur's hair before placing a hand on my shoulder. "He still loves you, that doesn't just stop over night you realize that right?"

"I know." I could tell Fleur and Ginny had more to say but I give them a bright smile. "I'm gonna go get her bouquet." Disappearing out the door before either one could say anything I take in a deep breath slumping against the wall and shutting my eyes tightly to hold back tears. 

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