Umbridge is headmaster

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Vals pov
Two words ruin my life.
Headmistress Umbridge
Now that she's headmistress, things have gotten worse. I can't even hold hands with Fred and it's killing me. We have to stand six inches from each other. Even in the common room we can't do anything. She's got eyes and ears everywhere. Snape has steered clear of me since that night. It's bad enough I have to study for my O.W.L. I hated that, but it's good because I always score the best out of everyone. Umbridge is now making the rules a lot harder, if you break a rule it's detention. "Detention Ms. Black" I groan. "What did I do?" I ask. "You fell asleep in my class!" Ah yes. A wonderful teacher would just love not to have her students fall asleep. "I'm sorry Professor, but listening to your annoying voice just makes it easier to fall asleep" She kicks me out of class and I have to go see McGonagall. "So you fell asleep in her class" I nod, "And told her she had an annoying voice?" I nod again. "Have you been getting sleep lately?" She keeps questioning me. "I've got O.W.L.s to study for Professor." I state. "I'm excusing you from all classes tomorrow, here take this to Professor Snape. He can make it for you" I take the note. "I don't think we're on good terms yet but okay" I get up and head to Snapes. "Professor Snape!" I call walking into his classroom. I notice he's at his desk with his papers. "Professor?" I ask. "Yes. Ms Black?" He questions not looking up. "Professor McGonagall said you could make this for me" I say holding the note out. "Why?" He questions looking at it. "I've been having some sleeping problems sir" I explain. "Very well" He makes the potion and gives me a vial of it. "I'll keep the rest in storage for you. In case you need more" He says putting more vials out. "Thank you Professor" I say before turning away. "Ms. Black!" He calls. I turn to him just as I reach the door. "I'm impressed" and I know he's talking about what happened before. "Thank you Professor, have a good night" I nod at him before leaving and shaking the red vial in my hand. I reach the common room and sit down playing with the vial. "Hey" Fred wraps an arm around me, No one in Gryffindor even the paintings would turn each other in. "What's that?" He asks. "I've been having some sleeping problems," I state shrugging. "You know..." Fred whispers in my ear. "You could just come sleep with me." His breath hot on my neck. "Nice try Weasley" I laugh. "McGonagall would be pissed." I sigh, "Are you sure it's safe?" He asks. "Professor Snape made it so I guess so" I shrug. I take the potion and head up to bed. 

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