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aurora was held back by stiles' strong arm, her fist gripping tightly onto the back of his shirt

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aurora was held back by stiles' strong arm, her fist gripping tightly onto the back of his shirt. they watched in dispair as isaac slugged ethan around the face restlessly. blood dribbled down the twin's chin and he stared helplessly at the blonde boy above him. aurora's eye momentarily closed, having seen enough blood in the past twenty minutes to last a lifetime. coach's relentless calls of the layhe boy's name wasn't helping, the blonde boy seemed to not be able to hear the middle aged man at all.

"isaac!" aurora's eyes shot open, snapping towards scott. the oak eyed boy was breathing heavily, clad in the fresh shirt. the hairs on her arm stood up at the authority within the tall boy's voice as isaac stopped, suddenly aware of his surroundings. her grip relaxed against stiles' shirt, her dainty head falling to his shoulder tiredly.

aurora's head rested tiredly on the seat in front of her, eyes closed with the stress of the day laying atop of them. "all right, let's go over this one more time." stiles was turned around in his seat next to the little girl, one hand woven into her hair and the other arm resting on the back of their chair. "so it's the sacrifices, right? everything has to do with them and someone who thinks he's, like, a dark druid of some kind."

"or actually is a dark druid." the reds head replied, face nonchalantly staring at her phone.

"a darach."

"you know, some ancient cultures sacrificed people in preparation for battle." stiles' eyebrows quirked up at the remark.

"so we got alpha werewolves against a dark druid."

"yeah." lydia replied. aurora groaned, her head falling onto stiles' lap. she really didn't feel like fighting any more battles any time soon. stiles smiled sadly at the back of the tired girl's head before looking back up, only just missing the stare of his best friend.

thankfully, the small girl slept all the way up until coach announcing that they'd be staying at a motel. stiles was the first to groan, instantly being told to shut up by the middle aged man. they'd been awake for about five minutes before the bus pulled up behind the motel sign, motel glen capri alight in bold letters. stiles had pulled the sleepy girl up by her forearms, resting his hands against her shoulders as he walked them forwards.

"i've seen worse." stiles mumbled as stiles gaped at the place, mouth ajar.

"where have you seen worse?"

coach's whistle sounded again. "listen up. the meet's been pushed till tomorrow. this is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves." aurora's brow furrowed and she looked up at her boyfriend, who shrugged in return. "you'll be pairing up. choose wisely." stiles hand fell to aurora's dainty one and he pushed them forwards eagerly. the brunette boy grabbed a key from the man as quickly as he could.

"stilinski! smith! i'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants. got that? keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!" coach's words were practically a foreign language as stiles pushed himself and aurora towards the shabby, run down place.

"god- i've been waiting to get you alone for so long," stiles groaned, pushing the door of the room shut. aurora giggled, her previous sleepy state practically evaporating from her body. as soon as the tall boy settled their bags on the floor, he was pulling aurora down onto his lap. she hadn't even taken the time to look around at the room before he was pulling her in by her chin. their lips connected so heavenly that the shabby room around them seemed like paradise.

aurora mewled happily into their kiss; it was their most intimate one since the accident. the little girl shivered with her lover's movements, his thick, warm hands grabbing at the skin of her hips effortlessly. his own hips bucked up involuntarily and he hissed, "fucking hell, baby."

she only whined more at the dirty words.

"feel so good, angel. fuck, i wish i could take you right here-" stiles' words were cut short by the door of their room clicking open. the two moved instantly, aurora pushing herself off of her lovers lap and trying not to whine at the loss of warmth. when she looked over at stiles' face, she frowned at the angry scrawl written on his features.

scott stood sheepishly where the closed door once stood. "t-there's no more rooms. coach said we've gotta share."

stiles paled as he realised that their best friend probably heard them. aurora obviously didn't put the pieces together, her cheeks blushed in embarrassment and arousal. "t-that's okay! d-do you wanna share t-the bed with stiles? or should i?"

"you guys can share." a toothless smile graced scott's lips as stiles tried to adjust his bottoms nonchalantly. after minutes of shuffling around aurora decided to go get into some comfier clothes in the bathroom whilst scott and stiles mumbled to one another.

the two boys fell backwards onto their respective beds. "all right, so i have four."

"four? you have four suspects?"

"yeah, it was originally 10. well, nine technically i guess. i had derek on there twice." scott hummed at stiles' words, turning back to the ceiling.

"so who's number one? harris?"

"just because he's missing doesn't mean he's dead."

"so if he's not dead, our chemistry teacher is secretly committing human sacrifices."

"wouldn't put it p-past him." the blonde girl slid out from the bathroom, hands hidden by the sleeves of stiles' sweatshirt.

"i guess it sounded way better in my head." stiles mumbled as the little girl came and laid next to him in the bed.

"well, what if it's somebody else from school? like, you remember matt? we didn't know that he was killing people!" scott exclaimed before mumbling, "didn't know jacob liked pushing people out of windrows either."


"excuse me?" stiles sat up, and scott prepared himself for being told off for bringing up what had happened to the girl with the furrowed brows. "i'm sorry, yes, we did. i called that from day one, actually."

"yeah, but we never really seriously thought it was matt."

"i was serious. i was quite serious, actually. deadly serious"

"he was." aurora mumbled, blowing a piece of hair away from her face.

"who were the other three?"

"derek's sister, cora. no one knows anything about her, and she's derek's sister."

"werewolf hotline." aurora grumbled.

"next, your boss."

"my boss?"

"yeah, your boss. i don't really like the whole obi-wan thing he's got going on, you know. freaks me out." scott sat up, staring blankly at stiles. "oh my god. have you still not seen star wars?"

"i swear, if we make it back alive, i will watch the movie."

"it just makes me crazy."

aurora sighed as she flipped onto her stomach. she had no idea how scott had got away with not watching the franchise for so long; obviously excluding the clone war series.

"who was the last one?"

a big sigh fell from stiles' lips. "lydia." aurora perked up, sitting up onto her knees as stiles came and sat besides her on the bed, facing their brunette best friend. "she was totally controlled by peter, and she had no idea, so..."

the three fell back onto the bed in synchronisation, lost in their thoughts.


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