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"um, c-can i have your attention?" melissa spoke into the microphone, shaking against deucalion's grip

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"um, c-can i have your attention?" melissa spoke into the microphone, shaking against deucalion's grip. whilst aurora was, quite frankly, also shitting herself as she shook in the grip, she really was trying her best to put on a brave face. "mr. deucalion — excuse me, just deucalion," melissa was stumbling over her words, shaking and trembling in his grip. aurora assumed that behind his glasses he rolled his blind eyes before yanking melissa away, removing her finger from the button.

"you, blondie. you speak."

aurora obeyed, also trembling violently. her eyes left his terrifyingly sharp face, ring clad finger pressing down onto the red button. a very small part of her was tempted to annoy the alpha and speak into the microphone 'kylie jenner to the foyer', but that most definitely wouldn't go down well with the man who could snap her neck in less than a second.

"h-hi." she swallowed, somewhat relaxing when melissa's aged hand found her free one. "he would l-like you to bring m-miss blake to the p.r. reception."

"e.r." the blonde man corrected, his grip tightening on her bicep.

"e-e.r." aurora corrected herself, cheeks blushing a thick red. "do t-this, and everyone e-else can leave." aurora trembled harder at the thought of how worried stiles and scott would be for her in that moment. "you have 10 m-minutes." and her finger left the button.

"see? that wasn't so hard." aurora hated the sound of the werewolf's voice in her ear. his claw tipped fingers lightly brushed over her half wet locks, hot breath fanning against her ear lobe. a whimper fought it's way past her lips and she shut her honey eyes completely, squeezing harshly. "it's a pity that scott hasn't done anything with you yet. you'd make a fine little wolf."

"that's enough." melissa spoke, finally finding her voice as her motherly instincts kicked in. aurora's chocolate eyes fluttered open at the familiarity, biting at her bottom lip as deucalion hummed.

"you're right, ladies, if you'd be so kind." he didn't give them a chance to walk in front of them as his nails dug into their arms, forcing the women up towards the stairs that aurora had previously descended. he dragged the two all the way to the roof, the thick pellets of rain instantly soaking them and having them trip over their two feet.

deucalion dragged them over to the power switches and generators, grinning sadistically as he forced melissa to shut off the power. aurora was quite frankly amazed that he managed to do so much without sight, she could barely even walk in a straight line.

"thank you, that was quite helpful." she took in everything that the man was — he looked like something out of the matrix in his tinted glasses and leather jacket. she frowned; stiles would have loved that reference.

"what now? what do you want with us?"

"you two? you're my gesture of goodwill."

"what?" both aurora and melissa spoke at the same time, their brows pinched together.

"go find your son. go find your boyfriend." his grip against the two fell, and they scampered away as quickly as possible. aurora and melissa's hands were still entwined as they ran through the sleets of rain. the blonde refused to look back as her free hand rubbed at the scratched arm, shivering in remembrance of the way that the man had held her. there was only one man who's arms she wanted to be in.

"where are they?!" melissa asked the girl.

"t-they were on the second floor when i-i last saw them! b-but it's not safe!" her head wracked.

"that ambulance that was coming — go and make sure that they get out, now!" melissa ordered the little girl, who was more than happy to comply. she would much rather face people than wolves in that moment.

"b-be safe." she mumbled before running down the stairs towards the basement. aurora's legs had never been used as much as this — she'd never even been up and down that many stairs in such a short time. a slapping sound filled her ears with every pounding step landing against the concrete floor. dainty hands pushed through the doors, eyes finally catching sight of the painted truck.

her legs carried her as quickly as they could, going to the back and hoping to find no one there — not even noticing the body on the floor besides the driver's door. she ripped the door open, jumping back in shock at the sight before her.

her very own boyfriend had his lips pressed against cora's.

before her heart got a chance to break, she caught sight of his fingers pinching at her pale nose. at the sound of aurora's arrival the raven haired boy sprung back, honey eyes wide as he let go of cora's nose.

"it's not what it looks like!" the words fell from his mouth in a rushed manor, arms flailing. he couldn't describe how relieved he felt upon seeing his little girl safe and sound, but he wished she had come seconds faster.

"l-looks like you're g-giving cora mouth to mouth." she heaved from running so far.

"oh— then it's exactly what it looks like."

aurora shook her head, no time for conversation. "you're doing it w-wrong! move!"

the little girl moved quickly into action, replacing her boyfriend's previous space as she set to work, properly tilting the brunette's chin and pinching her nose. stiles' eyes were wide and wild, watching his sweet girl put her jealousy behind her and try her very best to save a life, despite everything that had happened.

she moved like a professional, pushing air into cora's lungs until finally she gasped awake, sweat beading on her pale forehead. the little girl couldn't help but collapse in relief, falling onto her boyfriend's lap.

stiles stilinski was beaming, despite a half dead girl on the bed before him and his girlfriend heaving in his arms. that was all he needed, his sweet girl safe and sound. he clutched onto his little girl tightly, praising her quietly for what a good job she did.

and he finally told her how sorry he truly was, for everything.


it BREAKS my heart when u go to read a kinky 😏story & the character is innocent but then they say stuff like 'they bully me for being innocent, it's not my fault i have standards and morals' LIKE I CANT — LET WOMEN BE SEXUAL WITHOUT BEING SHAMED WHAT????? I HAD TO STOP READING IT LITERALLY HURT

n e ways rant over onto dilfs—

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