petition :)

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hi! this really will be one of the last annoying chapters i do, i promise. please, please, please sign the link in my message board! i'll post it in the comments too!

wattpad insisted on a recent instagram post that they aren't deleting any mature stories, but if you go into the comments it's truly heartbreaking. so many people have lost their work that they spent so much time and effort on :(

mature stories are so important for us readers and writers, especially when the site is rated 17+!! i think it's genuinely unfair for someone's work to be ripped away from them so unexpectedly.

i'd hate to see ghost of you, talk me down, friends and i wanna be yours face the same fate :(

ily all, thank you for reading and have a great day!!

GHOST OF YOU ♡ stiles stilinski ¹ (d. kink) Where stories live. Discover now