[R] To Stage An Intervention (Tommy & Tubbo)

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(A/N: BlueJayz: could you write one about Tommy and Tubbo from the future travel back in time?
for reference: future tommy & tubbo will be referred to as innit and underscore respectively, and they are from like a few hours after the final fight with dream. enjoy!)

"Tubbo!" Tommy screamed. He quickly took out an enderpearl as Technoblade — that fucking bastard, why did he have to listen to Schlatt? — raised his crossbow. He could see Tubbo's terrified expression from all the way on the rooftop, and no matter what Wilbur tried to tell him, he was going down there and saving his best friend, everyone else be damned.

At least, that was the plan, until someone in a red bandana came out from backstage to swing at Schlatt, knock him out, and point a sword at Technoblade.

"Lower your fucking crossbow."

Everyone stared at the person who had appeared on the stage in shock and confusion. Tommy gaped at the figure, because that was Tubbo. But Tubbo was still in the box, and he was also staring at the apparent future-him in confusion and slight terror.

Future Tubbo — Tommy was just going to call him Underscore now — was trembling, but he still stood straight up, letting the burn marks on his face show to all the world. "I'm not going to repeat myself, Technoblade. Lower down the crossbow, now."

Warily, Technoblade lowered down his crossbow, as Tommy also lowered the hand that clutched his enderpearl. Underscore's shoulders seemed to slump down, and he quickly broke the barrier stopping Tubbo from breaking up.

"Who are you?" Tubbo blurted out as soon as he was free. Underscore sighed, running a hand through his hair, and Tommy managed to see the patchwork of scars on his hands.

"Future you, who else?" Underscore said wryly.

There was a grunt next to Tommy, and he whirled around to see someone who looked eerily like him catching an unconscious. "Don't scream!" he hissed.

"How the fuck do I not scream? You're the one fuckin'-" Tommy snapped, taking a step towards his unconscious brother, only for Innit to push him back. "You knocked Wilbur out!"

"It's for the best, I'm from the future and you can trust me on this!" the other snapped back. The apparent future-him wore a green bandana around his neck, and Tommy shivered as he got a good look at the sheer amount of bruises and scars littering future-him's — who he was just going to call Innit — arms.

"What happened?" he couldn't help but ask. Innit almost looked surprised by the question, before he scoffed.

"Shit things. It was me and Tubbo versus Dream."

"Oh. Did you win?"

"Would I be here and alive if I didn't?" Innit shot back, making Tommy flush red. "Yeah, we did. Took a long time, and the shit that we had to face to get to that point was... it was real fucking bad, but in the end, we got back the discs, I took two of Dream's lives, and he got sent off to the jail he built himself."

"He built a jail?" Tommy felt a spike of fear at those words. "When? Why? How?"

Before Innit could reply, the two of them heard a shout from below.

"Tommy?" Underscore called out, and Tommy almost responded, but Innit quickly spoke over him.


"Can you help me with," Underscore gestured to the crowd that was still watching in apprehension, and Innit huffed.

"I'm coming!" he yelled back, and turned back to him. "Right. Gh- Wilbur should be fine lying down. Do not wake him up at any costs; he's having a pretty important conversation right now, and so is Schlatt. You should probably continue hiding here, just in case."

With those words, Innit pearled down to the stage.

"You should go, Technoblade," Innit acknowledged Technoblade coolly. "So do all of you, actually. Dream, why don't you come out instead of staying in there like a coward?"

"You got me," Tommy was startled when Dream slipped out of the shadows, ever-smiling mask set on his face. Technoblade stepped down the stage, and took out an enderpearl. He was slightly less startled when he saw that Technoblade landed next to him.

"Why is Wilbur asleep," Technoblade questioned him monotonically, but there was concern hidden in his tone. Tommy shrugged, and pointed down to Innit.

"Dunno. He's from the future, he said Wilbur's havin' an important conversation," Tommy said distractedly, fully paying attention to whatever the fuck was going on with Innit, Underscore and Dream.

"You two are quite the enigma," Dream hummed. "Mind telling me what you are doing here before I ban you?"

"Nope," Underscore chirped, anger set in his body language and his words. "Frankly, I don't think you deserve to know why either."

Dream bristled, but as he tried to make a move towards Underscore, Innit cut in his way.

"I am going to make one thing real fucking clear here, Dream," Innit said lowly. Tommy squinted, and it almost looked like Innit had huge wings behind him. He blinked again, and they disappeared.

"And that is?" Dream shoved his hands down his pocket.

Innit smiled coldly, and took a step forwards. "Maybe you should spend more time with your friends this time around. Would be a shame if you were to lose all of them because you were a coward, hmm?"

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