[R] Effugere (Syndicate & Tommy)

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(A/N: request as a pic. haha here you go :3 this probably doesn't make much sense plot-wise, but :)!)

Phil glides from one roof to another, ducking behind a chimney as he hears the sounds of metal colliding against the pavement of the ground, and shouts ringing through the night as knights stampeded through the town, waking up poor civilians who just wanted to sleep.

Their plan had gone... slightly wrong, on this mission. It doesn't matter; all four of them will be able to get away easily, even if they'll have to wait for a few more minutes before Ranboo gains enough energy to teleport them all out of here. The subtle reminder that Phil's wings are currently... 'out of use', so to speak, makes him frown.

"Motherfucker," he grumbles, hopping to another rooftop before dropping down to an alleyway when he spots Techno, Niki and Ranboo rushing through, huddled behind a few boxes.

"Hey mate," he greets, snickering at the way Ranboo almost jumps out of his own skin. "How's it been?"

"Phil!" Niki hisses, though she's smiling fondly. "I'm glad you're here."

"There's a trail leading directly to the forest on the other side," Techno tells him.

Ranboo yelps, and the rest of them whirl around to see a hooded figure stumble back and fall onto the ground, a bag falling beside them.

Techno immediately unsheathes his sword, and despite the figure looking like a wind would knock them over, Phil readies his bow as well, pointing it at the figure.

The hooded figure glances up, before hastily standing up and grabbing the bag. Phil sees a sword strapped to their side, and a bow at their back. His grip on his own bow tightens.

"So you're the ones who caused the whole ruckus, ey?" the hooded boy — who sounds so young, and yet he stands higher than Phil and Niki — says, mirth in his voice.

"Is it that obvious?" despite himself, Phil finds himself smiling, although he doesn't set his bow down.

"Chill out," the boy laughs, his own hand flying to the sword to his side. "I don't mean any harm, or whatever! We both have a common enemy anyway; I'd get brought back if those knight bastards catch me!"

"Are you running away?" Ranboo blurts out after hearing that, much louder than he intends, if the way he quickly clamps a hand over his mouth says anything. The boy's expression darkens — though it's hard to tell in the darkness of the night — and he edges back,

"What does it look like?" the boy snaps, clutching the bag closer to his chest. Despite his hood still being on, Phil is able to see light blue eyes glaring at them with wariness. He has an inkling as to what exactly is inside the bag.

"You were telling us to 'chill out' a while ago, but look at you now," Techno speaks up, sounding more amused than the situation probably calls for. The boy huffs.

Then, he jerks his head to the side, and Phil tenses up. The boy quickly turns around.

"I've got to go," he says. "Nice knowin' you, though! Give those knight bastards hell!"

"Wait! You're safe, right?" Niki steps forward to ask.

The boy turns back to them, pausing in his quick steps for a small moment, and grins.

"Of course! Wil' would never hurt me!"

And with those words, he runs away. At the same time, the sounds of the knights shouting grow nearer, and Phil makes a quick decision, grabbing one of the boxes.

Phil chances one last look at the boy's retreating back, before turning back to fly up and throw the box to a place far from them, and as he sees knights rush towards the sound, he quickly rejoins the others, just as Niki knocks out the last knight loitering around their escape area.

"Let's find a good place to rest," Techno says, and they all follow him into the forest, following the self-proclaimed — but definitely having the skills to back up his claims — 'Human GPS' into the forest.

Techno and Niki walk a little ahead, with Ranboo slowing his steps due to exhaustion, and Phil for... a different reason.

"What was his name again?" Phil suddenly asks.

"His name was Tommy," Ranboo responds. "Why?"


A faint memory flashes in his head, of a boy with a smile as bright as the sun and eyes clearer than the sky, with another figure besides him, a softer but no less happier smile on his own face, with chocolate curls framing his face.


"It's nothing. He just seemed familiar, that's all."

'Tommy...' Phil continues thinking, even as Ranboo rushes ahead to catch up to Techno and Niki, with himself lagging behind, though letting himself quickly catch up.

'...how much have you and your brother grown?'

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