[R] MelodyAri's 2 (Tommy & Niki & Fundy)

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(A/N: request as a pic. will be excluding a few details from here so,,, ahahha yeah :') anyways here r siblings :3)

Sibling Comfort (Niki & Tommy)
"Do you want me to end your stream?" Niki asked softly. Tommy took a moment to process that, before shaking his head.

"Nah," he responded quietly, catching Zuko as he jumped into his lap. While he would like to spend some time out of the camera, he knew it would be better to address it right now rather than later. "It's fine. I'd need to address this later anyways."

"If you say so," Niki paused. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just the roleplay getting to me. That's all."

It was irrational, especially since he knew Niki would never treat him like that, would never actually wish death on him. But, well, the roleplay got to him this time, and Tommy would be lying if he said he wasn't a little wary and fearful.

"It's not real, you know? I'd never hate you like that." Niki's voice was soothing, and Tommy breathed out, focusing on her voice and petting Zuko's fur.

His eyes flickered over to his monitor, and landed on his twitch chat, still going by, with lots of 'awwws' and 'pogs' in it. Tommy sighed, and turned to look at Zuko.

"No, yeah," he replied. "I know, it's just..."

"Weird?" Niki offered. "It's fine to feel that way. But we're not enemies in real life, okay? You're my brother, my little brother, and I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world."

At that, Tommy smiled. It wasn't the smile he used for streams; rather, it was a more muted but no less happy smile.

"Got it," he laughed lightly, spinning around to face his streaming camera and letting Niki reach to hold Zuko in her arms, who remained surprisingly pliant. "Love you too."

He shifted his position, making himself sit a little straighter. "Right, chat, you've probably seen all of that already, so I'm just gonna get straight to the point. Yes, we're siblings. No, we're not adopted, we're both half-German and half-British. Yes, our friends know about this. Got all that?"

"Also, we do share the same parents," Niki chimed in, and Tommy chuckled lightly.

He proceeded to thank subscribers for the next few minutes, before saying goodbye to his stream and shutting it off. Once that was done, he sighed and leaned back on his chair.

"You think they'll be nice?" he asked tiredly. A hand combed through his hair gently.

"Of course they will," Niki said lightly. "And if they don't, just ignore them."

Sneaky Little Shits (Fundy & Tommy)
"'So all of the lore was real?!' Well not all of it," Fundy laughed, glancing over at Tommy, who shot him a wide grin. "Tommy definitely isn't older than me. We just thought it was a good and funny idea. Y'know, a little- a little hint, if you will."

"As Wilbur would put it, it was foreshadowing," Tommy's solemn voice lasted for all of that sentence, before the two do them were cracking up again, laughing their hearts out.

"But yeah, so anyways, we are actually brothers," Fundy grinned at the camera. "I moved out a few years back to explore and do some adventuring and stuff, but now I've moved back, although I probably will go and find an apartment nearby to stay."

"As you should," Tommy mockingly said. "I don't want to share rooms anymore; you always leave everything a mess."

"Oi- how dare you spread false rumours about me?!" Fundy gasped dramatically. "That was all you, dipshit. Chat, okay listen, when we were younger, I always had to remind him to clean up after himself, otherwise he would literally never do it. He was- he was a literal raccoon, chat, he was a bitch-"

"You're a bitch!" Tommy groaned and shoved him away, Fundy yelping as he almost fell.

Both of them knew what kind of reaction they were getting from their respective chats. As if the slow surprise of Fundy coming into his room wasn't good enough, chat now knew that they were brothers. Twitter was going to eat this up so much.

"But no, yeah, that's all," Fundy laughed, after a quick check at the time. At Tommy's confused noise, he explained, "Tommy, our parents want us down for dinner, remember?"

"Oh, right!" Tommy exclaimed, turning to his camera with a wave. "Alright, we'll both be going now, but thank you for all the support and shit. Bye!"

They both ended their streams at the same time, and started laughing together yet again.

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