[R] Cease and Desist (Bee Duo & Michael)

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(A/N: request as a pic. sorry I couldn't include much of twt reactions, but here ya go!)

Ranboo hummed a lullaby, rocking Michael in his arms gently. Despite already being four years old, his and Tubbo's son still liked being rocked to sleep, and while he knew he should probably break him out of this habit soon, Michael was too adorable.

When they had decided to marry for tax benefits, neither he or Tubbo could've imagined their futures turning like this. With Ranboo as a successful actor who had starred in some of the most famous movies to this day — "To The End" and "Eyes of the Dragon" were his most successful ones, and the ones that pushed him to fame in the first place — and Tubbo somehow managing to become a successful lawyer and an actor, starring in roles alongside Ranboo, the two of them had enough money to go around that they technically didn't need to have married for tax benefits, even more so since said taxes didn't even apply to them anyway.

Adopting Michael was... well, technically, they haven't really 'adopted' him in the legal or official sense. Rather, it was more like they found him stranded by the roadside a few years ago, back when they were just starting out in their respective jobs. The sight of Michael, curled up in a box on the side of a street, looking so much like Tubbo...

Well, it was never a choice whether to take him in or not.

Now, Ranboo can confidently say that he never regretted taking Michael in. Their son was a star in their lives, a little sun hidden from the world.

Now, Ranboo had a best friend as his partner, a very good son, and several friends, on top of a job that brought in good money, fans that loved him, and a good reputation within the acting community.

Unfortunately, with great power comes great responsibilities, and that was true for him and Tubbo.

Recently, there'd been rumours that both him and Tubbo had been spotted with a child. While there were no pictures taken — thankfully — there had been enough people that had spotted Michael when he and Tubbo had taken him on an outing; a situation that had became rarer and rarer as time went by, and more paparazzi started stalking them and their moves, seeking out any sort of scandal that they could use against them.

In fact, the paparazzi had became so insistent on trying to get a picture of Michael that they had started to lurk around their house. That was practically breaking at least two laws.

It was infuriating, how they thought that if they tried and stayed for long enough, Ranboo and Tubbo would eventually relent. It was stupid, how they thought they would be free of any harm, because it wouldn't look good for either him or Tubbo to be caught physically fighting someone.

Tubbo had gone out to deal with the pests that kept lurking around their house. Security had been increased, and security checks were performed twice a month now. Defences had been updated, and they were taking extra care in making sure none of their windows were open. Neither of them were taking any chances of the paparazzi gaining a single look at Michael — they wouldn't let him be thrusted into the spotlight at such a young age.

"I am going to sue them," Tubbo muttered, storming into the living room with a furious expression. "I am going to carry their asses to court, gather as much evidence as I can, and I am going to leave them bankrupt and with their reputations tarnished-"

"Okay, I'm gonna have to stop you there," Ranboo quickly intervened, although he did wish to do all the things that Tubbo said to the idiots who dared to try and hurt their son.

"But we can sue them, right?" Tubbo whirled around, quickly bringing his voice to a smaller volume when it seemed like Michael would stir awake. After a few seconds, he continued in a hiss. "This is breaking so many rules! They'll do more if they think they won't get hurt from it!"

They shared a look. And immediately, Ranboo could tell what was Tubbo's plan. And frankly, it was a good plan. Ranboo wanted to go through with it.

Ranboo could go through with it.

"I'll let our friends know," Ranboo said, already rushing to tuck Michael into his bed, and grab his phone to call his friends, and hopefully get a babysitter for Michael.

"I'll get the lawyers and the PR team!" Tubbo yelled, just loud enough for Ranboo to hear, but soft enough that it didn't accidentally wake up Michael.

They had work to do, and while Ranboo would never think of himself as a violent person, he could feel a smile spreading across his face at the thought of enacting their vengeance.

In the end, they won the lawsuit with minimal effort. Their names — including Michael's, much to their irritation — were trending on Twitter for days, and the paparazzi who made that foolish mistake were never heard from again.

All their work was worth it, though. Especially since they finally had an excuse to spoil Michael even more with toys and clothes from the money they had made from the lawsuit.

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