[R] BlueJayz's 7, Part Two (Multiple)

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(A/N: request as a pic. second part to this request, I'll be doing the last four!!
all spelling mistakes in the first part is intentional, btw)

I'm sorry.

This was the fourth time Tommy had written those words down on the walls. Each and every time, he meant it wholeheartedly.

If only he had intervened, if only he hadn't been so stupid to listen to Wilbur's words, maybe he could've spared Tubbo from this fate. Maybe things would've been better. Maybe Tubbo would still have his hearing.

But he hadn't, he didn't, and now Tubbo couldn't hear.

It's okay, Tubbo wrote back. He probably had gotten uneasy at not being able to hear his own voice, and had settled on writing with Tommy to communicate. It's not yuor fault.

Tommy pursed his lips, and said nothing more.

He could hear Techno and Wilbur arguing in another room, and a tiny, painful part of him was grateful for Tubbo's current lack of hearing; at least then, he wouldn't have to listen to them yelling.

He jumped slightly at the feeling of a tap to his shoulder, and turned back to the wall to see Tubbo writing.

Tehcnoblade wrote that he wolud get me some sign language books, Tubbo wrote, and Tommy scowled at the mention of Technoblade's name — what gave him the right to try and make amends after he fucked everything up? I've never learned sign language before. I think it would be fun.

I'll learn them with you, Tommy replied, flushing red at the surprised look Tubbo gave him. So that we can still plan big man shit together.

Our Little Champion
"He's not doing too well."

"I know," Wilbur murmured quietly, staring down at the shimmering water, which showed what happened in the living world. Fundy was curled up in the hto dog van, and it pained him to see the sobs that wracked his son's body.

When he had imagined the afterlife, Wilbur never thought he'd be able to meet Sally again. And oh, what a meeting that was; Sally had nearly torn his ear off with her shouts, and then he had ended up shouting at her as well, and somewhere along the line they had ended up crying and hugging and moving into a house.

Yes, a house. Because apparently the afterlife was just a neighbourhood of everyone who had died now. Wilbur was pretty sure Schlatt was staying with a group of villagers, and Sally had used to stay with a group of fishermen — which was kind of funny, considering her hybrid nature, now that he thought about it — before he'd died, and they'd moved in together.

In the afterlife, everyone could watch the lives of the, well, 'alive people'. Wilbur had never wanted to punch Dream more in his living life, and not for the first time, he wished for the ability to possess his apparent 'ghost' just so he could deliver a solid knockout to the bastard who dared to hurt his family so much.

But now, watching helplessly as his son sobbed and being unable to do anything about it? He just wanted to give him a hug.

"I just wish I could tell him how proud I am of him," Wilbur whispered.

Sally only reached to grip his hand, and said nothing more.

A Pirate's Life
There were a lot of things Ranboo imagined that he would be doing with his life.

None of those things involved meeting Tubbo's... extended family.

That was, an extended family made of literal pirates. Pirates who seemed to fall over each other in order to impress tiny, four year old Michael.

"Aye, I remember my ol' pal had a kid like ya's," one of them — Ranboo still hadn't learned their names, he was going to be so horribly embarrassed when he needed to call them for something, if he ever does — said, loud and boisterous. "Lit'le Joyce was far more of a pesky little rascal than ya's Michael; aren't ya glad for havin' such a good kid?"

That was another thing that was hard to get used to — the accents. It wasn't that they were bad, or 'less civilised'; it was just that Ranboo had grown up his whole life on Ender and Common, neither of which had heavy accents. So, needless to say, Ranboo was pretty confused over what they were all saying.

Tubbo seemed very much in his element, though. He was cheerfully chatting with the captain — his father, apparently — and several other crew members, chugging drinks with them and joining in the random songs that they would sing. Meanwhile, Ranboo was simply say in a corner, tensed as he held Michael and let several other pirates coo over his son.

He wanted to run away from this situation, he really did. But looking at how happy Tubbo seemed... maybe he could tolerate this for a bit more. Plus, Michael was getting a lot of golden gifts, why not stay around to make sure he got more?

Foster Boys
They may have been split up into different homes, but that didn't mean they wouldn't still meet with each other.

Tommy hopped over the fence to their secret hideout, which was really just a pretty well-hidden spot in the local playground. Miraculously, all of their foster homes were located in the same city, which meant they would still be able to talk with each other every other day.

Tommy frowned upon seeing the eyebags under Ranboo's eyes, and the bandages placed on Tubbo's face.

"Did he..." he started, not wanting to say it out loud, but still growling when Tubbo nodded. Purpled placed a finger to his mouth, as if to shush him, before gesturing for him to come closer.

"It's fine, don't worry about it," Tubbo smiled weakly. All four of them liked to talk about their current foster homes, and right now, only Tubbo had a shitty foster home; Purpled's brother had managed to get custody of him, even if it was still under surveillance due to some shady things his brother apparently did, Ranboo was staying with a nice lady who ran a bakery and have him treats to give to Tubbo, and Tommy was with a family that he was slowly to think of his own, and that kind of scared him.

"It's fine," Tubbo smiled weakly. "He's usually too drunk to do much anyways."

Purpled and Tommy shared a look, mirroring frowns on their faces. It was no secret that Tubbo's foster father was an alcoholic; a formerly recovering one, too. Keyword being 'formerly'.

"We'll get you out of there eventually," Ranboo said firmly, offering Tubbo a few packaged snacks. "I promise you that."

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