[R] Wither Cult Meeting (Eret & Foolish & Purpled)

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(A/N: request as a pic. I'm kind of doing both because 1) immortal purpled and 2) that's it. uh YES anyways)

"So this is it?" Eret tilted her head, glancing up at the temple from where she and Foolish were crouching behind a bush. Admittedly, it wasn't the best of hiding places, but it wasn't as if any of the cultists could hear or see them, since they were all inside.

This Wither cult had been going on for too long, and neither her or Foolish wanted to see it continue to wreak havoc. Dismantling tyranny would've normally been a job for the Angel of Death and the Blood God, but from the last time she'd heard of them, they  seemed to be pretty busy with a different kingdom, and this cult couldn't go on any longer.

So, that was why she and Foolish had decided to do it themselves.

"Yeah," Foolish chirped. "Doesn't look like much, but I heard they have plenty in there. Don't judge it too quickly."

He was dressed more plainly for this occasion, with lighter robes and no headdress, revealing the emerald in his forehead to the world. Usually, he kept it hidden as it marked him as different, marked him as powerful, and there were plenty of people out there who would try to steal it from his forehead.

Not that any one of the cultists would remain alive after they were done with them.

Eret sighed, rolling her shoulders back. "Well, let's not delay this. Time to take down those cultists."

"Can I join?"

Foolish tensed up as he heard a new voice come from behind them, and turned around with his sword at the ready, only to see a simple-dressed boy, standing curiously a few steps behind them. The boy wore a cloak over his clothes, but his face still remained semi-visible, and Foolish could see that he had light blond hair and dark purple eyes. He seemed to be carrying no weapon, but Foolish had learned to not judge by someone's cover a long time ago.

"Who are you?" he asked guardedly. Beside him, he could see Eret with her axe out, fully white eyes narrowed.

"My name's Purpled, and I can help," the newly known Purpled shrugged easily. "It's been a while since I got any action. I was only wandering around, but hey."

"You're an immortal too," Foolish realised, from the specific phrasing of the words. Purpled nodded, tugging the hood of his cloak off.

"I prefer not to make a name for myself," he replied dryly. "It's not good for my job."

"No wonder," Eret murmured. Foolish stood up.

"How can we trust you?" he tilted his head. Purpled blinked, and hummed.

"Well, for one, immortal solidarity," he replied, and Foolish had to hold back a snort at that response. "For another, think of this as a... temporary team up. There's some things I want in that temple, and I'd be willing to work with you to take the cultists out to get them."

"And before you ask, no, it's not any of the Wither things," Purpled quickly continued before either Foolish or Eret could accuse him of anything. "I'm just here for the money and the blood, that's all."

Foolish and Eret shared a look, and communicated silently for a few seconds until Purpled coughed, probably feeling awkward with the silence.

"Fine," Foolish said. "We'll work together. What's your weapon?"

Purpled took out a sleek, black sword, gleaming purple in the dim light. "I have this little one with me, is that enough?"

"Sure," Eret hummed, staring at it for a while longer before turning away. "Right, then. Foolish, you're the one with the, ah, routes. Where to?"

Together, the now trio ascended the stairs of the temple, and prepared themselves for a fight.

Purpled wasn't exactly sure why he had decided to join the two crouching behind a bush. Sure, they would be dismantling the cult or whatever, but he didn't actually need the money that much; he already had several stashes all over the world.

Still, he could admit, it was fun fighting with them. The cultists were much harder to deal with than he'd thought they would be, and he had needed to eat two golden apples through it all. A waste of material, but one that was easily made up for with all the secret treasures they had in the temple.

Purpled was so glad he had decided to bring a large bag with him, as he grabbed the most expensive things he could find and put them into the bag.

Eret and Foolish were hunched over a table, a book opened on it. He had no idea what was in there, and frankly, seeing as it wasn't his business, he could really care less.

"Good one," he called out, because he could recognise good fighters when he met them, alright? "It was a nice partnership, doing this with you two."

He only received vague, mumbled responses, so with a shrug, he lifted up his bag of expensive things, and started his way out. If he was lucky, he would be able to find a town, and bargain with the merchants.

And maybe get some extra golden apples for himself, too.

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