Shut up

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Tokoyami pov (no smut more of like a suspense sort of idea)

I was walking down the street at 2 am because dark shadow wanted to eat, even though he can't. When all of a sudden I hear. "PLEASE NO! HAVE MERCY! SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!" My first instinct was to Sprint where I heard it. And dark shadow was out and ready to fight. Without looking I send dark shadow in to see whats going on and he immediately becomes smaller and weaker. And when I look up to see the villain.... I make eye contact with todoroki.

"No.... It cant be..." He stares at me slowly walking forward. And I make a break for it I start sprinting as fast as I can not looking back. Until I make it to the dorm I sprint in seeing bakugou sitting on the couch. "What the hells wrong with you?" And I feel like I cant breathe. "Bakugou I just saw todoroki murder someone I think he's a villain!" Bakugou laughs. "Look its too early for that its 2 am go to sleep I know I am especially after hearing that!" And he walks off leaving me in shock. So I go back to my dorm not noticing the pair of different colored eyes following my body.

I lay down in bed staring up at the ceiling. Its hard to breathe I'm so scared. What do I do? I hear a noise come from my door and see a paper under it. I lift up the paper and read it.... I hate dirty snitches like you. Your lucky bakugou didn't believe you hes such an idiot. The next time I find out you tell someone else... I'll make sure you never speak again.

Time skip

I can't focus in class anymore. He sits right behind me handing me notes taunting me threatening me. And he whispers "I could kill you so easy with my quirk." And he chuckles. He says that at least once a day. And Mezou starts to notice somethings off.

"Hey fumi!" "Oh hello Mezou." He looks at me as we sit on his futon. "Hey somethings been bothering you lately. Is it todoroki?" He adds with a whisper that makes me shudder. I tremble. And think he said I couldnt tell not that I couldnt show. So I pull out the note from my pocket and hand it to Mezou. Watching as he slowly reads it and looks horrified at the end.

I burst into tears not knowing what to say. He looks at me and just hugs me. And I feel safe. In mezou's warm and strong embrace that surrounds me from everywhere.

The next day after class

Right as were about to leave Mezou raises his hand. "Aizawa sensei are you still tutoring I really need help on this one question." He looked at him with tired eyes. "Sure as long as its one question." I got up and left.

Shoji pov

I lower my voice staring at aizawa sensei seriously. "I don't have any questions i need to give you this note. Fumikage said todoroki put it under his door." I slide the note over and wait his response. He puts it down. "We need to take care of this immediately."

Time skip

We arrive at the dorm and he asks "wheres tokoyami?" Kirishima smiles and says "him and todoroki went out even though tokoyami said he didnt want to." My eyes widen. "WHAT!?" Both of us are panicked. We both sprint out of the dorms. "I will take higher ground." Aizawa states and I nod sprinting.

"STOP PLEASE!" I stop in my tracks. That voice is familiar. I run towards where I heard it which was down an alleyway and what I see when I get there makes my heart stop. Fumikage is lying down as todoroki is opening his mouth wide. "Stop." He turns towards me glaring. "Why should i? He's a snitch."

I glance up seeing aizawa sensei and I try to stall. "Look he was just scared todoroki. There's no need to harm him." He laughs. "Everyone is scared. Hes not special." He starts opening fumi's mouth wider. "And because he's not special. He deserves to never speak again. Make one step towards me and I will rip his jaw open. Do. Not. Test. Me." I nod slowly and backup. When aizawa sensei grabs todoroki with his scarf. I quickly grab Fumikage who cries in my arms.

When we get back to the dorms after todoroki was arrested everyone checks to see if tokoyami's okay and bakugou apologizes for the first time on the verge of tears. And everything is okay.

The end👑

Shoji x Tokoyami Smut (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now