Thigh riding

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Tokoyami pov

I sit in class tapping my foot against the floor, I stare at the back of mezou's head. I dont know whats gotten into me but whatever it is, is making me extremely horny. I hear the bell ring signalling class is over for the day. I grab mezou's hand and drag him to his room. I push him down on his futon and place his thigh in between my legs.

"Fumi?" Before I start, I stare at him "are you okay with this?" He nods "Mezou you know I want to always answer verbally unless your gagged. "Right, sorry, yes I'm okay with this." I nod "good" I slowly start to grind my cock against his thigh, gods it feels so good. I continue at a slow pace and Mezou whines grabbing my hips.

We stare at each other both knowing whats about to happen. I nod. Mezou then forces me to grind roughly on his thigh. Feeling my cock slide and grind against it as my tummy coils. He smirks slightly moving my body a little faster "oh shit, oh shit, Mezou I'm gonna cum!" "Go ahead." He states Slyly. I then feel the tension in my tummy snap the feeling overtaking my entire body.

I slowly come down from my high to see Mezou staring at me with a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Its kind of rude that just you came. I think its unfair, but now it's my turn." I swallow nervously "okay. Fuck me Mezou." He breaks character for a second not expecting my reaction before getting back into character. "Oh dont worry, I will. I cant promise that I'm gonna be gentle though." He snickers.

He gets up and comes back with lube and a condom. Pouring some in his hand as he coats his fingers and gently slips one into my body slowly mocing it around. After a while he adds a second one making a scissoring motion stretching me out. And finally he adds a third continuing to make the scissoring motion fingering me. He hits my prostate a few times and slips his fingers out.

He lubes his cock and puts the condom on lubing that as well. "Are you ready?" He asks "Yes." I state he slowly enters my body and waits for my hole to adjust to his cock. After waiting he starts slowly gyrating his hips against mine moving his cock a bit before slowly thrusting inside my body. His thrusts then pick up speed and he starts slamming into my body as I let out squeals. They arent high pitched but it's still pathetic and Mezou notices that as he laughs at me.

So I clench around him cutting off his laugh into a slightly high pitched moan. I smirk staring at him. He glares at me thrusting harder, and I slowly start feeling my tummy coil again. "Mezou I'm cumming again." "Me too! Cum with me fumi please!" I nod. And we both start cumming at the same time my orgasm isnt as intense because I came a bit earlier but mezou's completely rigid. He looks blissed out.

He falls on top of me and contiues twitching for a few seconds and I just hold him close as he comes down. He blinks slowly "hi." I smile softly "hello my love you seem tired." "Yeah but we need to clean." "Later my love later. Lets just rest for now okay? I love you." "Love you too" he mumbles as we both drift off to sleep.

The end🎠

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