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(This is going to be foreplay and submissive Shouji. If you dont like it dont read it. Lets start!)

Shouji pov

After we finished class, we were all hanging out in the commons of the dorm. I had been so focused on what we learned today I blanked out for most of the conversation. Its probably not that important anyways. Until I hear the words "foodplay, definitely foodplay" coming out of fumikage's mouth.

I lift my head amd look at him as jirou nudges me. "Good luck Shouji." My face goes red while I'm confused. So I look at fumikage "whats going on?" Sero chuckles "we're stating kinks weve always wanted to try. Its funny how you tuned in the moment tokoyami said his answer." Sero starts wiggling his eyebrows as I push him away. I turn and lock eyes with fumikage, he stares at me like I'm his prey, it sends a chilling shiver down my spine.

Everybody stands up and leaves the room as me and fumikage don't break eye contact. He sneers at me bfore asking "you want me to trail my tongue down your body? Sliding it against your cock to clean up the mess of whipped cream on your dick? Huh?" I feel myself start to harden at his harsh words. He immediately notices and presses his body onto my grinding his hips against my cock. He grabs my chin "you know how to ask for it."

I look at him desperately, sinking my teeth into my bottom lip "yes, please." I whimper out. His smirk widens and he leaves to go to the kitchen. When he comes back in his hands he has a can of whipped cream, hot fudge, and a jar of cherries. I feel my cock twitch in my pants as we start to head to my room.

I lay on the floor of my dorm completely naked. His face softens and he gently pulls my face to turn towards his. "Are you okay with me eating, and licking food off your body darling?" "Yes sir." I state remembering he wants a verbal answer. He shakes the can of whipped cream and sprays it on my nipples. "Were starting small." I nod.

His tongue slides across my nipples making me flich at the feeling. He pinches my nipples after they're licked clean. He then grabs the hot fudge and pours it on my body. Its warm, he glides his tongue all across my body. Licking almost all of the chocolate off. He backs up and stares at my cock with a dark gaze.

I watch as he shakes the can of whipped cream and sprays the cold food onto the tip of my cock, making me flinch away from the feeling. He chuckles at my response and pours some hot fudge onto my cock as well. The hot and cold feeling weird together. He opens the jar of cherries and places one on top of the whipped cream. I keen as he stares at my cock with a dark hungry look.

He then sets it in his mouth and starts licking the food off my cock. Starting at the sides he glides his tongue in a circular motion around my cock as my stomach starts to coil in pleasure. He licks the cherry into his mouth staring at me as he eats it. He continuously licks the food off my cock making me thrash my body and whimper his name as I get closer.

I throw my head back as the coil in my stomach relaxes. I watch as I can onto my stomach. Fumikage laughs at me licking the cum off my body. He wraps his arms around me and I slowly fall asleep as he whispers praises.

The end🐣

Shoji x Tokoyami Smut (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz