Valentines date❤

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(Happy Valentine's day! For everyone who's single or dating someone! I hope you enjoy this simple wholesome chapter anyway I hope you have a wonderful day! And dont forget I'm proud of you. I always will be 😊)

Shoji pov

I put on a nice suit getting ready for me and fumikage's date. After doing my hair deciding to not gel it but to put it in a small ponytail, I take off my mask and leave my dorm to go to the commons waiting for fumi. I nervously fiddle with my fingers before hearing giggles. I turn to my left seeing ojiro, hagakure, and Shinsou leaving in fancy clothes.

"Oh hey Mezou. You waiting for fumikage?" I nod Shinsou staring at me never seeing me without my mask before. He gives a soft smile and a thumbs up for encouragement as they leave. I then hear footsteps a few minutes after they left. When I turn, I see fumikage in a gorgeous red suit with a rose in his hand. He smiles at me sweetly walking over. "Since you're paying for this date this is going to be the first of many gifts, my love."

He puts the rose in my hand and presses his beak to my forehead not really being able to kiss me but I appreciate the sentiment. I gice a kiss on the forehead giggling softly as we leave. Ive never left withour my mask before. How many stares are we going to get? Am I gonna make someone cry again? I hope not. I dont want to scare Anyon- "mezou?" I turn towards him frowning.

He gently puts his hand on my face before hugging me softly. I hold him in my arms he looks at me "we dont have to go out if you dont want to. It doesn't need to be fancy my love." I look at him confused. "But everyone else is going on fancy dates." His expression softens. "We dont need to do what everyone else is my love, we can just be ourselves okay?" I nod before looking at him.

"I dont want to go out. I'm not comfortable with myself yet..." "Thats alright darling we can just stay in make some food or bake and watch a movie or play videogames. Whatever you want love, I'm still gonna buy you a fuck ton of gifts though." He winks making me giggle.

We walk inside deciding to cook and bake. We make my favorite squid ink pasta and bake some cake cookies. (Cake batter turned into cookies for those who dont know 😉.)  After making those food we decide to cuddle watching some cheap weird Rom com with bad actors, but I didnt mind because fumikage was there and he was always going to be there. And I loved him for that.

The end❤💜❤💜❤💜

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