Part 100!

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Technically this is part 99, since 100 would be reserved for if I ever announced anything else Marvel Related. Thank you for the reads, thank you for the follows, thank you for the votes and thanks for sticking around. Ok let's do this.

You: Uhmm...what the fuck am I looking at?

You: Yourself ...ourselves...uhhh.


1st Y/N: Author?

There. Done.

1st Y/N: What the fuck?!


T'Challa Y/N: Yh for some reason I merged with the Wakandan barrier and ended up here. Also is that a 5 y/o us?

5 y/o Y/N:  You're ugly.

Stephen Y/N: Well that's some nice juice for my self-esteem.

Uncle Y/N: I disappeared with Peter Parker any idea where he is?

Field Trip Y/N: Is he your boyfriend too? Cause he's my ex.

Uncle Y/N: No what the fuck he's my nephew by adoption.

1st You: Oh wow.

Multiverse You: Is this my fault? And where are my Avengers? They must've all disappeared somewhere else.


Tony: I've always wanted to have an orgy with mysel...ves.

Steve:...This wouldn't be the first time I went face to face with another me.

Thor: I look dashing.

Peter: Y/N warned us. Now I'm stuck with me...wait that sounds fun.

Back to the show:

Multiverse You: Ok, DP Y/N's?

You: Made out with him.


Multi: Uhh...Steve.

You: Actor.

You: Respect people's privacy and search histories.

You: Pietro was too childish.

Multi:...Straight Y/N?


Multi: Bruce, Bucky, and Clint.

Three Y/Ns: Hey there.

Multi: Horny asshole.

You: The Avengers were about to lay one on me and I'm not talking about kisses.

Multi: Drunk?

You: What is beef? If not cows processing.

Multi: Speaking of which, WandaVision?

Reality Show you: And also a reality show star.

Multi: High School?

You:...Weren't we all in High School?

Multi: I mean in a One-Shot.

You: A what?

Multi: Oh God.

Reality Show You: I thought I was an astral being.

Yeah I'll give an explanation to that later.

RS you: Reality TV, a sitcom and now fanfiction...oh God.

Multi: No Visions here. Ok how do we fix this. I got it...a spell. We're pretty much the same people so most of us should get this right.

Y/Ns: There is no need to prolong
Take us to where we belong.

You: Well that was easy. 🎶 🎵 I aaaa-
What the fuck am I doing? I don't sing...but I do sing. But I-oh no. Are you telling me that we each other?

HA! That was hilarious.

You: I am in love with a double digit amount of people right now what the hell? I was bullied?! My father was terrible my  dick is...morphing every 2 seconds let's ignore that. THE SOLUTION SHOULD BE HERE BY NOW AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS!

Now with the exposition. Ironic how an astral being was actually the final version of me shown?

You: You? What do you mean you? We're not a specific person. Wait I am a specific person, my name is is Y/N. Wait my name is...WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MERGE US?!

Have you ever heard of The Book Of Destiny?

You: The powerful book from DC?

Mar Novu found the most insane person across the entire multiverse, that person being me, and gave me the book and told me to go all out. He probably expected me to make myself a ruler or something but no. Instead I chose to fuck a bunch of imaginary comic book superheroes.

You: Wait, so instead of fucking Superman and Batman you chose to bring imaginary beings to life? And how am I questioning you if you are controlling me?

I'm doing this for the benefit of the reader, which is the entire world since I forced the entire planet watch me flirt with Marvel heroes. Imagine the civilians of Westview but on purpose, more cruel and worldwide. Eventually I just got lazy and made you fuck everyone.

You: Why are you giving this exposition?

Because I need to get this story over with before I have to figure out a way to escape The Monitor and The Justice League. Also I meant it when I added you were not supposed to exist. Who knows, after fucking Australian YouTubers and comic heroes maybe I'll fuck around with Oliver Queen and Bruce Wayne...there's just something so mysterious about billionaires. Welp, Toodles!

You: Didn't even have the courtesy to make this a thousand words.

Don't need to. After all, there is no need to prolong. I'll take myself where I really belong *wink*.

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