Religion & Homosexuality [Don't Mix Well] (Peter Parker x Male Reader)

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Peter Parker, in a catholic school, it was his only option ever since Midtown High shut down, Ned and MJ moved away and Peter was lonely.

You, on the other hand, were a maronite, which is not the same as catholic but pretty close.
That didn't mean you were homophobic, in fact, you were gay.

You noticed Peter was a teeny bit sad so you tried to talk to him, but you thought it would be weird, you were not the most confident person, unless homophobia was brought up.

Speaking of which, the day you stood up to your bigoted father was the day he called "the gays" "faggot fairies".

That was also the day you were punched in the face.

And the day after, your anger was noticed, and that one dude who always annoyed you, Flash Thompson, chose the wrong day to bother you...I mean he did it everyday but you know what I mean.

Flash: Sup, bitch.

You: Shut up, potato.

Flash: What'd you say,bitch?

You: I'm warning you, get your skylander face out of here before it turns into magikarp. Which by that I mean I will punch you in the face.

And Peter actually laughed, for the first time in months.

Flash: I'm gonna kill you,bitch. And shut up, Penis Parker.

You: You know, if you keep saying his first name is Penis, then you're basically admitting he's got bigger balls than you.

Flash: Shut up, faggot.

You: That's so random and idiotic. What does that have to do with our argument?

Flash: Because you're acting like one.

You: If being logical is gay, then you're the straightest guy on Earth.

Flash: Yeah I am.

You: That's a confession to stupidity.
Also stop acting so religious, you're an atheist.

Shockingly, he just gave up and left.

Peter: umm...hi I'm Peter, are you Bitch?

You gave a little chuckle there.

You: No, name's Y/N, nice to meet you.

Later, during Christian Education:

".... and that's it for today, you're assignment is to right everything wrong with homosexuality".

And you just stared at your teacher with a blank expression on your face.

"Something wrong, L/N".

You: No, I LOVE homework.

At home

Dad: What took you so long to get home?

You: I took the same amount of time as usual.

Dad: Were you walking home? You need to start running, be a man!

You: No, I don't want to run in the middle of New York.

Dad: Do you want another punch to the face?

Tony: Hey there.


You: That's genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist Anthony Edward Stark.
Wait, what ARE you doing here?

Tony: I'm visiting teenagers with potential.

Dad: HIM?! POTENTIAL?! He doesn't even know the meaning of respect.

The venom in his words triggered you.

Marvel x Male Reader (1/2)Where stories live. Discover now