There definitely is more (The Reality Show)

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Tony: What exactly were you two doing last night? Each other, perhaps?

Nat: Get your mind out of the gutter, Stark. We went out for a few drinks.

Bruce: Yeah. We didn't wanna stick around after all the chaos between you, Y/N, and Rogers.

Tony: Good, because relationships are NOT permitted between 2 avengers.

Nat: I don't recall such a rule.

Tony: "All decisions are made on your behalf by Anthony Edward Stark".

In the "talking room" (Reality Show Trope:

Nat: Ever since this all started, everything's gotten worse. Tony's more eccentric, Clint's more chaotic, Thor's been absent, and Cap and Y/N are closer than ever because they've bonded over how ANNOYED they've been. And when we got those drinks, Bruce and I have both realised that we don't matter to anyone. Everyone's been caught up in all this drama and I just want to live my life and wipe off my red ledger but all I want to do is kill Stark because he is such an egotistical, selfish, sadistic a-


Clint: I'm Clint Barton and you've just been bow-ned...that doesn't sound right.

Nat:...I give up.


You: First of all, how the HELL do you know about playing hard to get. And SECONDLY, how is THAT a good idea?!

Bucky: Well, years-

You: decades.

Bucky:-ago, I used to act unattainable and all the ladies just wanted me even more.

You: That only works for hot people, the only "hot" thing about me is my head, because I'm HOT-headed.

Bucky: Just give it a shot.

You: Might as well make an attempt.

During the meanwhile:

Steve: I'm confused. So you're telling me, that I need to act like I don't be able to get the person I care about to care as well?

Sam: Yeah man. Chicks LOVE unavailable men. They just want what they can't have.

Steve: Shouldn't I just be myself?

Sam: You can be yourself afterwards. You just need to get the ball before scoring a touchdown.

Steve: But what if they don't like ME? What if he just likes the fake version of me?

Sam: Wait a minute?! HE?! The star-spangled man with a plan is into dudes?! I'm surprised.

Host: Keep up, Sam. You've been gone for a while. Just like my ex-boyfriend. I shouldn't have trusted that Jessica girl.

Steve: Yeah, Y/N.

Sam: That dude?! You guys are so different. He's probably a commitment-phobe.

Steve: What's that?

Sam: He might cheat on you during the relationship. He might not even WANT a relationship.

Steve: Are you sure?

Sam: He just doesn't give me a good vibe.

Steve: Thanks for the advice.

Sam: I'm just looking out for my friend.

Steve: Yeah.


You: Hey Steve, didn't see you there. Guess I'm just so...unattainable or something.

Steve: I gotta go.

You: Ok. Where?

Steve: To patrol the city.

You: So America's Ass is tired of the couch?

Steve: It needs some fresh air.

You: I'll come with, uhhh...if I'm not busy with other people that are more desirable than you in talking to them or something.

Steve: I'd rather be by myself.

You: Oh...okay...break a leg!

Steve: I will *walks off*

You: That sounded awfully violent!

You: Well that didn't work.

555 words

Why am I making such short chapters. Guess I'm just...too busy or something.

Just kidding, no point in playing hard to get when no one wants me...

Bye bye!

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