Reality TV...but actually real (Pt.2)

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Episode 2: The Captain's Crush

You: Why would he draw me? Drawing me and my ugly self is way harder than drawing someone like Bruce. Bruce is always moving around though, so I guess he's hard to capture the essence of. Besides, my lazy ass is immobile half the time. Clint! Not now!

Clint: Off to Thor again.

You: What are the chances this isn't about my movement?

Host: The only movement he wants from you is when you guys get it on!

You: Why couldn't this be a documentary? Off to Steve.

You head to Steve's room, but you hear noise coming from the other side of the hallway. It was one of the guest bedrooms. So who's there? You wanted to get away from the cameramen first because you don't want to invade someone else's privacy and reveal it to the world. Your curiosity once again distracts you from the important things in your life.

You: I need to go to the bathroom.

Host: The suspense is KILLING me!

You head off to the bathroom and try to teleport.

You: This is such a waste of a spell.
A specific room is in my mind
Time to see through the door and what's behind.

Peter: Oh YES, SCOTT right there AAH!

You: AH! Amateur porn!

Peter: Y/N! How did you-

You watched as Arachnid and Insect scrambled to cover their private parts with their cum-stained sheets.

You:...Did you use Mini-Scott as a dildo?

Scott: No...but that is a good idea.

Peter: Please don't tell anyone.

You: Are you guys like...secretly dating? You do realise that they are filming a reality show here, right? If they weren't too busy trying to see if Steve has a crush on me or not, this would get out.

Scott: Relax, they legally can't film me. Not an avenger. Wait, what did you say about Steve?

You: Apparently, he likes drawing me.

Scott: Like Jack and Rose in Titanic?

You: No, not in the nude. You are too stupid for your own good. At least Thor is understandably clueless. You're just an ignoramus.

Peter: Hey! Don't talk to him like that!

You: Oh Gosh, I have made Peter angry. My bad. Love ya, Scott. But clearly not as much as Peter.

Peter: You know, I think you and Steve would make a great fit.

Scott: Opposites do attract.

You: Oh God, don't remind me of my religious friends. And that is why I will never date an Adam ever. But definitely a Steve. Get it? Adam and Eve. Adam and Steve. I'm in love with Steve...I'm in love...with Steve. Get ready for disappointment, Y/N L/N.

Peter: I think Steve likes you back. Despite your problem with being a serious person, you're actually kind of sweet.

Scott: They would have the dumbest fights.

You: Sceter? Pott? Pepper Potts? Tony Stark? Dumbass? Oh shit the reality show! I'll be back.

Scott: No you won't.

You: You guys don't have a catchy ship name.
Take me where most people pee
So I can go back to Reality TV

Host: What is taking him so long? He's not masturbating, is he?

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