The High School AU: Link to the future

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You: There is one emotion left...triumph.

Fury: That must be me. I may not show it but my various achievements and reached goals-

You: But you're not in my past.

Fury: Because I am the link to your future.

Wade: Woah; that's deep.

You: Dad, Wade, DP. Do you remember the location to that palace?

Wade: Maybe.

You: Ok, let me try something. *deep breath*

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade
So when given Wade, don't throw him in the shade.
Use him to remember that one time he was desperate to get laid
The location of the palace where I was made
Where my mother was betrayed.

Wade: Betrayed?

Suddenly blue, red, orange, and purple all exit your body and head towards Wade, and you now have the location.

At the palace:

You enter it, with wonder filled in your eyes.

Wade: I must've been really high if I didn't notice the magic everywhere. To be honest, I think she was trying to procreate.

You: Because I'm the last of her-our, people. But what is my future.

Fury: I just-

You: I know, but I need clarification.

Fury: You're telling me YOU,
a grown-ass man, need permission from your mother.

You: 🎶🎵Mother knows best. Besides, she's dead; I'm just looking for a clue.

Peter: Did he just quote song form?

Tony: Didn't expect you to know Tangled.

Peter: Didn't expect you to be such a lousy father yet here we are.

Tony: I don't see the correlation between a magical palace and my skills as a parent.

Peter: You are a rapist and you literally REPRESENT ignorance!

You: Guys, please don't fight, at least not right now, I sense something, follow me.

You follow your senses to an empty, open room. All it contains is a circle made up of multi-colored pads, with a beam in the middle, sort of like a podium.

You: Everyone get into place.

(Refer to this image to know who stands where):

You head towards the podium, once you stand on it, the walls and floor of the room turn into a rainbow mix, unlike the empty areas of the circle, which turned brown

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You head towards the podium, once you stand on it, the walls and floor of the room turn into a rainbow mix, unlike the empty areas of the circle, which turned brown.

You: Oh my God.

Tears fill your eyes.

You: My whole body's shaking
I've never been this bold.
Something seems familiar,
Is it time for me to break the mold?

I can sense you there
Even though you're unknown
I'm finally here
And now I know I'm not alone.

I have always been a maze
Confusing on the inside
You have secrets too
But you don't have to hide

Show yourself
I'm dying to meet you
Show yourself
It's your turn
Are you the one I've been sensing
All of my life?
Show yourself
I'm ready to learn


Unknown: Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah

You: I've never been this curious
All my life I've been torn
But I'm here for a reason
Could it be the reason I was born?

I have always been so different
I always felt the need to lie
But is this the day?
Are you the way
I finally find out why?!

Show yourself!
I'm no longer quaking!
Here I am
I've gone through a lot!

You are the answer I've waited for
All of my life!
Oh, show yourself!
It's a question of "who" not "what".

Come to me now
End my mental war
Don't make me wait
One moment more
Stay with me now!
Open your door
It's about time
You're finally explored!

Mom(As projection): Where the emotions
Meet the colours
There's a power
Full of honour

Come my darling, safe and sound


Mom: Show yourself
Don't let your fears devour
Throw yourself
Into something new

You are what you've been waiting for

You: All of my life!
Mom:All of your life

You: Show myself!

Mom: Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah

You: AH-AH-AH-AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

And all of a sudden, the palace poofs out of existence, disintegrating as you don its remains as an outfit (Imagine it however you want). All that's left of it is the pad.

Wade: That was...moving. THAT'S MY SON!

You: I am ready to begin with my future. I need to move on from my past, whatever my species was, it doesn't matter.

Or does it?

740 words

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