Actor&America (Steve Rogers×Male Reader)

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Basically you're an actor and are starring in a Captain America movie, and the REAL Captain America was asked to come and "give you tips".

You: It's an honor to meet you, Mr.Rogers.

Steve: Call me Steve.

You: Oh, ok then...Steve.

You found Steve extremely attractive.

He found you outstandingly cute.

Steve:...and so that's how you hold the shield.

You: Thank you so much, this has been an amazing day, I hope I can play the role of Captain America properly.

Steve: Well, I've got to go...bye.

You never told anyone this but you could feel people's emotions when they were at a certain high.

You: WAIT.

You walked over to him

Steve: What's wrong?

You: You tell me. Apparently you're confused and nervous.

Steve: How do you...

You: I can read minds and emotions, I didn't enter your thoughts because you're too nice to ruin your privacy, so what's wrong?

Steve: What's your name?

You: Y/N...why?

Steve: Ever since Peggy's death I've never really loved anyone...romantically and now that I do I don't even know his name.

Aaareee you sayiiing that you have a... crush... on me?!

Steve: (low voice) yes.

You: That is very, very shocking, I do not know what to say.

Steve: I do: Would you go out on a date with me?

You: is my phone number, I will..communicate with you once I realize that I should've said yes immediately... oh wait you're here, soooooo I would love to okay bye.

Avengers Tower:

Natasha: You look happy.

Steve (whispering): I'm going on a date soon.

Natasha: Who's the lucky gal?

Steve: His name is Y/N.


Clint: YEAH.



Peter: What's happening?

Natasha: Steve found a male companion.

Peter: Why is that so exciting... I mean congratulations, but... why so amazing?

Natasha: Because he doesn't date.


It was text from you:

You: I quit.

Steve: What?

You: I've discovered I have more abilities than I thought, I need to do good with them. How does one join the Avengers?

Steve: There are trials but are you sure?

You:  Well, I can't donate my powers, soooooo....

Natasha: Is it him?

Steve: I forgot to mention he has superpowers, also he now wants to join the Avengers.

Peter: Another member? That's not a bad thing.

Back to text:

Steve: What exactly can you do?

You: Nothing much, basically I've become the Avatar who can also read minds.

Steve: He says he's the Avatar which can also read minds.

Tony: Then it's settled, we'll see him tomorrow.

Part 2?

Marvel x Male Reader (1/2)Where stories live. Discover now