Homophobia (Gay version of Civil War)

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Basically, you're coming out to the Avengers and half of the team is homophobic, so they want to kick you
out of the Avengers, and the rest want to defend you.

Team Homophobia:
Captain America
Bruce Banner

Team Homophobiaphobia (On your side):

Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Clint Barton
Natasha Rominoff.

I know there are much more members but that would be too difficult.

Steve: It's unnatural.
Bruce: It's not even scientifically approved.
Thor: On Asgard, you would be executed.
Wanda: You're disgusting.

Peter:This is unnecessary.
Tony: It may not be scientific but that doesn't make it unacceptable.
Clint Barton: This isn't Asgard, it's Earth/Midgard.
Natasha: You're stupid.

Steve: We can't have fags in this building.

You got pissed off.

You: Now it all makes sense, your loss is kharma.

Steve lost Peggy.

Thor lost Frigga.

Wanda lost Pietro.

Bruce lost the ability to have sex.

And I lost my respect for each and every single one of you.

In conclusion, fuck you all.

Out of anger, you burned Wanda's shoes, splashed Thor with boiling hot water, which electrocuted him, you threw pebbles at Bruce, and flinged Captain America into the wall.

You: Oh, I almost forgot, compared to me, you're basically useless, you sickening, homophobic, and let's not forgot shitty, dumbasses.

You got upset and went for a stroll outside.

All of a sudden, you saw Peter Quill walk up to you and he asked you to join the Guardians of the Galaxy, you accepted the offer.

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