Mr. Angel | 07

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Tony's PoV-

The team and I are lounging around the living room, it's about 10 am, I just got up 20 minutes ago.

"Sir you asked me to tell you whenever someone scores higher than 90% on the intern test" FRIDAY says making Scott jump.

"Yeah, what do have for me?" I ask her as I drink my coffee.

"Someone scored 100%" she replies and I spit out my coffee, my eyes wide as well as Bruce's and Stephens.

I nearly choke on my coffee before answering, "who?" Bruce asks before me.

"Peter Benjamin Parker" she replies and everyone smiles.

"Yes! That kid from yesterday" Clint says with a smirk.

"FRI show me his answers" I say and a holographic screen shows up in front of me, showing each page.

The writing looks rushed but the answers are phenomenal.

The best thing is, he incorporated jokes to each answer, like where it was asked, how is lightning made?

He put: Lightning is an electric current. Within a thundercloud way up in the sky, many small bits of ice bump into each other as they move around in the air. All of those collisions create an electric charge. Since opposites attract, that causes a positive charge to build up on the ground beneath the cloud. So basically your buddy Thor ain't supposed to be doing that shit.

There's many other answers like this and it fucking cracked me up, even Bruce and Stephen were laughing. Most of the jokes the team didn't get because they were like terrible but amazing science puns.

"Hey FRI when was this handed in?" I ask as I compose myself from laughing.

"Yesterday at 3:16 sir" she replies which causes me to raise a brow.

"He done this in 20 minutes?" I ask in astonishment.

"14 minutes and 24 seconds sir" she replies and I grin, this kid is a genius.

"Send him an Email and tell him he can start as soon as Monday as my personal intern" I say with a smirk.

"Why not my personal intern?" Bruce pouts likes child.

"You can have Harley" I shrug.

"Gee thanks Dad" Harley says sarcastically and I smirk.

"I'm kidding Harls" I laugh.

"Peter can be both our intern" I say and Bruce smiles slightly.

"Email sent sir" FRI says.


Peter's PoV-

I was in the middle of being beaten the shit out of when I heard a ding from my room upstairs. Enhanced hearing and all.

He punched me one last time in the temple then kicked me in the ribs and left the room chuckling to himself.

I stay on the floor for a little while, in too much pain to get up, eventually I pull myself up off the ground and drag myself out of the room. I heave myself up the stairs, my body screaming in protest, have I mentioned that I hate this?

When I get to my room I fall onto my bed, thank fuck it's Saturday, I can't imagine going a whole day at school in this state.

Everything hurts, fuck pain is so annoying, and inconvenient as well, sure we need it to know if we're hurt or not but... okay I'm getting off track. Ugh stupid ADHD.

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