School, Lost Girls and Happy Meals | 92

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Same Day as Previous Chapter

"You're fucking crazy dude" the random girl from PE says as we stop running in the corridors.

"You know I get that a lot" I say with a grin.

"Yeah i'm not surprised" she says, leaning against the wall to catch her breath.

"I'm Aubrey" she adds and I smile at her, "cool name, I'm Peter" I reply.

"You new here or something? I've not seen you around before" she asks with a raised brow.

"I just rarely go to school" I respond, giving a small shrug.

"Ah makes sense, I'm the same, this is my first day in months" she replies.

"Ha mood, this is my first day since March and even then i'm only here because i was forced to" I say with a laugh.

"Bro same, they're gonna take me out of my mom's custody if I don't start going at least twice a week" she says, rolling her eyes slightly.

"Bruh CPS are annoying as shit, I was put in a unit for apparently having aggressive behaviour just because I lightly stabbed my foster father with a fork that one time" I say with a huff and she lets out an amused snort.

"You know you seem familiar for seen reason" she says with a frown and i just shrug.

"Shit yeah, you're that guy from the bank, you're trending on TikTok" she says as the realisation hits her.

"Dam, why does everyone have TikTok but me?" I ask.

"Broooo you should get it, I mean I didn't want it at first because I didn't really give a shit but there's like whole other sides of that app that's actually kinda funny" she says, huh maybe i should get it, what could be the harm anyway?

"I thought it was just some weird app where people lip synced to random ass overplayed songs" I reply.

"I mean it used to be like that but not anymore, there's everything on that thing, funny cat videos, random people doing weird shit without context, people talking about sciencey things, ooh there's these videos of avengers out of context, they're hilarious as fuck" she says with a laugh.

"Avengers out of context?" I ask with a raised brow and she smirks, taking out her phone.

She shows me a video and it's of Steve in the middle of middle saying "i don't wike it" then it zooms to Bucky who snorts in amusement, then there's like a beep and it flashes to Tony eating doughnuts in a huge doughnut ring, bro looks like a whole mood, he drops a doughnut and looks down for a second then looks back up and shrugs just eating another doughnut. The clip then does the weird bleepy thing and cuts to Clint sitting in a rooftop in his Hawkeye gear and he talks into his com then it goes silent and he starts talking again "fuck I feel like i'm talking to Captain Kirk, is this star trek?" he says into the com jokingly. It bleeps again and now it's Nat beating up some bad guy, once he's knocked out she turns to the random bystander filming and winks jokingly at the camera.

The video goes on for a few more dumb moments of the team, it's actually really funny, I should send this to them.

"God I need to get TikTok that's hilarious" I say with a laugh to Aubrey.

"It's pretty simple signing up, you could do it right now" she says with a shrug.

"Yeah sure, I know for sure that app's gonna look through all my data but oh well it's funny" I say with a shrug, pulling out my phone.

After about 10 minutes i'm signed in and have an account.

"If you sync your contacts you can add your friends" she says and I think fair enough I wonder if anyone else I know has tiktok so I sync my contacts and a bunch of people come up.

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