Mazikeen | 58

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I go with the cool lady to track down some bad dude. I find out her name is Mazikeen but she said I can just call her Maze. And not gonna lie, that's a pretty cool name, my name is just Peter which is so boring. But like at least I have the same name as Pete Davidson. Apparently he went to Jamaica with his boss one time. I've never been to Jamaica before but it sounds cool. I heard there's great music and hey! Wasn't Bob Marley Jamaican? Yeah he was, he was a cool dude.

Oh shit. What was I talking about before? Ugh why does this always happen to me?

"So Peter, who's your uncle and did I just kidnap you" Maze asks me nonchalantly as we drive away from the precinct. Kids don't get into random cars with strangers.

"Uh the lieutenant, but not really, and I mean technically you did but who cares really?" I reply with a shrug.

"Hold up Cain? Are you one of gods puppets?" She asks me, suddenly becoming defensive.

"Nah, my friend just sent me to annoy the shit out of him" I shrug and she calms.

"Oh right, I'm okay with that, more than okay actually" she says with a smirk.

"So who's this guy/gal we're hunting?" I ask and she tosses me a file.

I read it over, it's just some dude who sells drugs and weapons but he has some ties to gangs and apparently the Irish mafia. He was born in New York, hey same! And was recently arrested but managed to escape.

"Huh, wait a minute this guy looks familiar" I say looking closer to the photo.

"This is Vile Victor!" I say and she raises a brow.

"Did you work for him or something? I mean you did say you were a mini criminal" she asks me and I shake my head looking at the photo in shock.

"He was my foster father when I was 8" I say and she looks at me confusedly.

"That guy fostered kids?" She scoffs and I nod.

"He sure as hell wasn't good at it, he used to beat the crap out of me every fucking day of the weak" I say with an amused scoff.

"That sick mother fucker beat on a little kid?" She asks angrily.

"Probably done it to the kids before me as well, he was harsh, not as bad as Crazy Carl but still" I say.

"Fuck kid, you've had a pretty shitty life" she says and I snort.

"Don't I know it" I say.

"This asshole better pray to whatever god he worships because once he's in my line of sight I'll reign hellfire down on him" she says with a growl, gripping the steering wheel tighter than before and going just a little bit faster than before.

Not to long later we reach a place downtown. We both jump out the car and start walking down an small side road at the back of a row of rundown houses.

We go through a back gate and through the small lawn to Victor's back door.

For some reason the door's open so we just walk into the place, entering a kitchen where a few guys say around a table playing poker.

"Hey boys" Maze says to them with a smirk.

Immediately they all draw guns and aim them towards us, though we just look at them, completely unfazed by our current predicament if that's what you'd call it.

I smirk as they open fire, "I got this Maze" I say, rather excitedly in fact. She raises a brow as I gracefully charge forward, knocking one out and using it as a human shield, I throw my knife at the shooter and he falls to the ground.

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