Chapter Twenty-Six

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The sun had been beating down on Axl and I for hours as we walked along the side of the road, so far we weren't so lucky with getting lifts. We did in fact get one starting off, but didn't get anywhere, the car itself broke down having Axl and I to start walking yet again.

"Can I ask you something?" Axl puffs from beside me, keeping his eyes directed forward and a pair of sun glasses shielding his eyes.

"You already have, but go on." I reply wiping the sweat from my forehead that was beginning to drip down my face.

"Why could you easily forgive Izzy yet he was just as bad as me and Slash?"

"Slash and I." I correct. "And because he tried, I could tell he was trying. All I could ever ask is for someone to try, you and Slash don't try and in my opinion didn't give a shit." I answer truthfully.

"How do you know? I may have been trying all along but you were making it difficult." He trails off.
Snorting, I rolled my eyes and stared at the ground.

"Well you weren't trying hard enough were you?"

"Okay, put yourself in my shoes darling. You've got a fricken hot chick who you would like to get to know, whom in the past years you practically abused comes back into your life. You're trying to make things better, but the harder you try the more you fail because she won't take any of it. She pushes it away." Axl explains.

"Fair enough, but you just don't try hard enough. You put yourself in my shoes. I had a hard time without being told I was fat, ugly and a mole then to be told I was by a band that I really liked. From a group of very attractive guys, then years later after completely neglecting them that they exist. You feel more confident, you've found some true friends, fallen in love, then those same guys who abused you come back into your life some more. The confidence drops, the memories seep in, the ugly person in the mirror returns. Try have the guy you had a major crush on be a total arsehole and call you fat and ugly to your face, you'd be feeling the same way. I guarantee." I notice from the corner of my eye, Axl stops in his trail as I continued. He wasn't expecting that.

"Look I'm sorry, I didn't know I could hurt someone so bad." Axl quickens his pace to catch up to me. "W-Who was the guy you c-crushed on?" Axl stutters, sounding quite intrigued to know. You, stupid.

"I don't know if that's actually any of your business who I did like and who I didn't like." I warn.

"I was just asking, after all, who knows Izzy may just have liked you back and still does." Axl blindly states.

"What?" I chortle. "Just because I became fast friends with Izzy doesn't mean shit. Axl you don't know what you're talking about, before talking get your facts right, otherwise you're just stirring a pot that's no meant to be stirred." I frown.

"Who did you fall in love with?" Axl questions a moment later.

"I don't believe that's any of your business either."

"It was Nikki wasn't it?" Axl accuses.

Keeping quiet, I continued walking, holding my thumb out as cars would drift on by. Axl was swimming in dangerous waters, very dangerous.

"Come on Suzie-Q nobody else is around, it's just us talking. What? Don't you trust me?" Axl's voice echoed in my ear.

"Honestly, no I don't trust you." I state taking my eyes directed from where we were walking at a corner and stared at Axl. Axl's eyes grew wide for a moment as my next step, there was no ground underneath. Axl, as quick as lightning, whipped around and gripped an arm around my waist and the other holding my hand tight, stopping me from going over the edge.

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