Chapter Three

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Feeling my head pound from the previous night of partying with the guys; I sat in the bus seat, completely still, holding my head in my hands. Every bump on the road felt like a blow to the head; it was more then an excruciating pain, it was almost a killer.

"He's the one they call Doctor Feel-Good!" Vince calls out almost excitedly; he just happened to be the only one between the rest of us not to have a hangover. How? I wasn't sure.

"Fuck you Vince." Nikki cries out from the back of the bus.

"I'll give you Doctor Feel-Good in a minute." I warn.

"Well y'all shouldn't have drank so much. Then I wouldn't have to yell." Vince yells out even louder; he was purposely doing it to hurt us all. It was an amusement to him.

"I swear to god Vince I'm gonna' beat the shit outta' you if you don't shut your god damn mouth!" Tommy threatens from a seat in front of me.

"Yeah you go Tom Tom." I quietly whisper; feeling no pain if I simply whispered.

"Aw come on guys, check out the surrounding outside the bus. It's a bright beautiful day; plus we're about to arrive in Mobile, Alabama." Vince sighs; turning the radio up a smidge more.

"Vince yo' chuck us the painkillers will ya'?" Mick calls out from beside me. I was happy to have Mick beside me; he was quiet, and he wouldn't sit there and annoy me if I had the hangover. In this situation we both had it.

"Whatever you say dude; as long as it pulls you up from that shitty mood of yours." Vince replies snatching a jar of tablets and chucking it into Micks direction.

"Here you take some too." Mick hands me the small glass jar as soon as he downs two tablets with a bottle of water in front of him.

"Cheers." I give him an appreciative smile whilst I pulled two tablets out.

"Give me!" Tommy almost yells snatching the two tablets I had already in my hand.

"Bitch stealing my tablets." I give him a frown; not in the mood to act playful. They were my two tablets and I had my dibs on them; unfortunately at the moment Tommy was somewhat too stubborn to care. As always.

"Bitch please it's not like you weren't going to give me 'em anyways." He painfully chuckled turning back around.

Sighing I pulled out another two tablets and placed them into my mouth. Stealing Micks water; I washed down the tablets and closed up the jar.

"Hey Mick; do you mind getting up? I need to go see Nikki." I asked as politely as I possibly could in the bad mood that I was already in.

"Yeah alright." He groans removing himself from his seat; allowing me to get out and wander down the hall into the small bedroom compartment in the back of the bus.

"Who goes there?" Nikki whispers with his eyes shut; he was lying on the bed with one palm resting against his forehead.

"Who do you reckon? I'm here with some tablets." I simply reply slowly dropping down onto the bed beside Nikki.

"These better be painkillers." Nikki's eyes snap open; the green in his eyes looking darker than usual.

"No they're jellybeans. Of course they're painkillers stupid." I chuckle handing him the jar and the bottle of water.

"Thanks darlin'." He sighs throwing the tablets and water bottle to one side. He reached out and pulled me into his body; compressing my head against his bare chest for support.

"What, you in the mood for cuddling now Nick?" I ask trying not to giggle; it hurt when I did.

"With you? I could never pass that." He wraps his arms around me tighter.

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