Chapter Thirty-Six

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Axl POV:

Nikki aggressively grabbed my shoulders and slammed me up against the wall, more specifically against a door which instantly clicked as my body hit it. I heard something else which sounded more like voices but I didn't take much notice. Especially not when I had Nikki glaring at me, holding me against a door that led to somewhere I didn't know.

"I wasn't doing anything, besides it is none of your fucking business of what we may or may not have been doing, so I suggest." Nikki paused looking me up and down with pure disgust written across his face. "If you lay your little weasel, slimy fingers on me again, I'll beat your ass." Nikki takes a moment before he threatens.

"Okay get off me and chill." I shrug him off, not in the mood to start another fight.

"Now where the fuck is Sue? How can she just disappear like that?" I pipe up, dusting myself and fixing up my shirt that Nikki had scrunched up around my shoulders.

"Does it look like I fucking know? If I knew I'd be with her right now dumbass." Nikki rolled his eyes, staring at me stupidly. He sure was getting on my last nerves, but I tried to ignore my anger blossoming. But I had to say just seeing Suzie-Q the way she was looking when she ran out of the room, it pissed me off. Her blouse was ripped open and she looked frightened, if he had done something to her he shouldn't have, I was sure I was going to kill the bass player.

"It was a rhetorical question, besides why would I ask someone like you?"

"Don't get all fancy pants with me Rose, you're just lucky I haven't knocked your block off already." This time I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest as I looked away. It didn't make sense that we had saw her not a couple of seconds earlier and she just simply vanished. But I had to admit, her vanishing like that got me anxious. What if she was kidnapped? What would we do then? How would we get her back? We wouldn't even know where to begin, we didn't see who did it, besides if we did we can't really prove anything. The police didn't believe or weren't so fond of people like ourselves, to them we were just bums making a shit load of cash by playing music.

That's what people that didn't like music didn't understand, we were just regular people on a stage just having a good time and trying to make a little money to support ourselves. It was a job, besides, no one except musicians really understood the adrenaline we got from the crowds. The way they chanted our names over and over again, when they sung to our lyrics. It was majestic, it was a beautiful thing.

"Whatever, how about you go look somewhere outside whilst I look around inside? And if we find her, we'll give one another a yell?" I suggest, cocking an eyebrow. Nikki simply stared back at me dumbly, I could tell he was mentally trying to choke me, he was very sarcastic towards me, but that was because I wanted the girl he loved.

"Not in a million years hot shot, we all know you're trying to steal my girl." Nikki mumbles, strutting away. I let out a yell in frustration, soon I was going to beat the living day lights out of him. I was putting up with him, but my temper was slowly slipping, he was triggering my anger and soon enough I wasn't going to be able to hold it back. Anyways what also pissed me off was the fact that he kept referring to Suzie-Q as his girl. She wasn't his girl, he had his chance and he blew it. It was my time to shine yet again. Although I could sense she wasn't sure of me nor of herself. I knew that I didn't really strike her fancy as deeply as Nikki, which was a hard competition. But I was trying to capture her heart. I did her wrong years ago, I had somehow formed a crush on her and I at the same time was trying to make it up to her.

"Get back here asshole." I yelled, storming off and following Nikki as he entered to bar. How ironic, he was going to the bar. Did he not care whether the woman he emphasised that he loved could be missing and kidnapped by a total stranger, which could be torturing her as of right now? Did he not care at all?

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