Chapter Seventy-Four

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I sat in the airport, completely surrounded by the two bands and Angry. It was finally time to leave the Crüe, Guns and finally Nikki. It felt like my heart was being torn from my chest, but as much as I tried to hide it, it was visible.

"So, after the Tom's encounter with the she-man, we're all walkin' down the road. Me, Nik, Tom, Mick and Sue. We're just walking along and out of nowhere down Tom goes. But on the way down, he grabbed the closest person to him. Just happened to be poor Sue. And instead of saving his fall or taking Sue down with him, he completely ripped her dress down the front. So we're all standing there, drunk and off our fucking head's. You got Sue fucking freaking her shit and Tom dry heaving because he slipped on fucking shit." Vince cackled, alongside Mick and Nikki and the rest of the guys. The only ones not finding it as amusing was Tommy and I.

"To be fucking fair, that was fucking disgusting! I had to throw out my good jacket, the shit stain never came out!" Exclaimed Tommy, a face filled of disgust.

"That was embarrassing." I frowned, trying not to smile.

"Oi, I reckon if it was just Tom on his own, he would've went to town with it. Wasn't it's name, Cherry?" Nikki laughed, his face pink.

"Seriously dude! You've got problems!" Axl smacked the arm of the chair as he laughed.

"Shut the fuck up! Hey, let's be honest. Cherry had a good pair of tits."

"Mate, I'm with Axl on this one. You've got issues." Angry chuckled, staring at Tommy in disgust.

Tommy rolled his eyes and looked away towards me, looking just as unimpressed as I was.

I let out a sigh and shook my head, a small smile appearing on my lips. "Oh there's many stories. I can tell you at least a thousand of stupid things these four have done." I comment, all eyes now landing on me.

"You wouldn't." Vince eye-balled me.

"I jizz might." I tease, using the term 'jizz' instead of 'just'.

"Oh this is gotta be good, anything with jizz in it gotta be fucking funny." Steven noted with a huge grin. The others didn't speak, they simply stared at me expectantly.

Watching Vince sigh and lean further into his seat, I couldn't help but grin just as much. "So I was sitting in the lounge room of my place-" I start, but Angry interrupted me.

"Sue, you've got a place?" Angry questioned, staring at me in surprise.

"I bought a house while over here, a four bedroom house." I answered.

"Oh, rightyo." Angry frowned and looked away, looking a little conflicted.

"Anyway, I was in the lounge room. Good ol' Vince and his missus we're going at it in one of the rooms. And for whatever reason Mick wanted something for that room." I took a breath, my smile widening more and more.

"Probably a free porno to wank to-" Slash snickered, earning a fair bit of laughter.

"Fuck off, I wanted the tuner. Vince had it last and it just happened to be in the room he was fucking Sharise in." Mick rolled his eyes, but continued smiling.

"So yeah, Mick goes in and he scared the living shit out of both of them. All I heard was screaming and more screaming. And so, a little concerned, I go to see that Vince is standing there butt naked, holding onto his ol' fella and he's just squirting it everywhere. On Mick, Sharise copped it all in the face, the carpet and even on himself. Mick scared the orgasm out of him, literally." I laughed, probably laughing a little too hard.

But that didn't matter, soon after, everyone else was laughing with me. Except for Vince, he was looking rather embarrassed.

"I've caught Sue and Nik in the act." Tommy proudly exclaims, dusting himself off. "I cheered them on." He said ever so smugly.

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