Chapter-Thirty Three

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Steven stood by the small mirror on the bus, turning to his side as he examined his arm, smirking as he flexed his muscles. Steven had assured me he wanted the tattoo done and wanted it done whilst we were on the road. Something I wasn't quite pleased about. It wasn't a good idea to do it whilst on a moving bus. Anything could go wrong.

"So what do you reckon?" I ask cleaning up the mess and cleaning the equipment.

"It's fucking sick Sue." Steven looked over his shoulder and gave me a grin.

"Thanks." I smile in return, pleased to know it was what he wanted. That it was something he really liked.

"Told you she was a pro, didn't I?" Tommy smugly says from behind, a few rows down.

"You didn't have to tell me, the ink on you guys is sweet as. You've got talent Suzie-Q." He strutted towards me, I was half sat, half stood. "Why didn't you ever have your own parlour?" He curiously asked, slumping down on the chair directly in front of me.

"I worked at one, I just chose to never own one." I answer. My eyes narrowing at Steven, a small smile crossing my face as I noticed how cheery he really looked.

"Fair enough I suppose. But take it from me." Steven pauses, pointing his finger directly at me. "You really need to start up your own business, and when you do it will be bloody brilliant." His eyes glitter and his lips, somehow managed to peak out wider, as though they were an elastic band that didn't know when to stop stretching.

"Okay." I nod, letting a small laugh escape my lips yet again. Picking up portable equipment, I carried them down back into the back compartment. Nikki was sat on the bed, a guitar cradled in his arms and a small notepad and pen by his side. He was writing lyrics, obviously to a new piece of material. That's what he usually did when he locked himself away with an acoustic and a notepad, boy was he good at writing though. He always had me curious to what he wrote, some he never showed me or the rest of the guys, like he was too embarrassed.

Once I stepped foot into the small compartment, Nikki's head raised, his piercing green eyes staring at me whilst he plucked the strings of his guitar. I could feel my cheeks redden, my chest become tight and the butterflies flutter inside of my stomach. For once I was quite nervous, still not quite happy with Nikki but he had me all shook up.

Instantly taking my eyes off of Nikki, I looked away, too worried that if I looked again I'd be stuck there.

"Hey." Nikki spoke, his voice deep and of course worthy to be recorded and listened to over and over again.
Just him speaking had startled me that much I managed to trip over my own feet, landing flat on my face with the equipment sprawled around me.
Good job, you probably just broke the equipment Suzie-Q.

Taking a much needed breath, I let out a groan. I had basically knocked the wind out of myself and I fell in front of Nikki, how embarrassing.

"Holy hell, Sue." Nikki exclaims, throwing away the guitar and removing himself from the bed, kneeling beside me.

"Are you alright?" He helps lift me from the ground, setting me onto my knees.
My eyes trailed along his fresh looking face, his lips were a bright pink and looking irresistible, his dark hair, poofy and all over the place and his bright green eyes sparkled. They were one thing I fell in love with, even if at times he wore make up around them.

"I'm fine." I mentally snap myself out from the trance I seemed to go in, especially once we made eye contact. Taking my eyes from Nikki, I let out a sigh of relief as the equipment that surrounded me all were intact and had no signs of damage.

"You really hit hard didn't you?" He suddenly pipes up, his eyes had never left me once, like he couldn't help but stare at me. Reminding me of a puppy that stared lovingly up at their owner.

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