Chapter Sixty-Eight

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It was only hours later that all four of us had left the restaurant, all preparing for a good night tonight. I on the other hand was preparing myself for telling Nikki the big news. The news that I was dreading. I knew it was going to be difficult, and it was hurting me already. Before I could even face the door to his hotel room.

I can do it, no backing out now.

You love Nikki, the least you could do is tell him what's going on.

He deserves to know.

Sitting on the bed, I inhaled deeply and slowly breathed it back out. This was going to be hard, it was going to shatter my heart into a million pieces. I headed out the door and to the hotel room where Nikki was staying. I hadn't seen him all day, nor for majority of the day yesterday either. So I was hoping I'd find him in his room. Alone.

Stopping out of the front of his door, I lifted my fist to knock on the door but hesitated. What if I just walked away? It wouldn't be as hard, neither of us would have to suffer through a farewell. It would be easy. Too easy. Before I could knock, the door ripped open to reveal a shirtless Nikki. His eyes grew soft as he realised I was the one at his door, half a smile appearing on his handsome face. Clearly he was expecting someone else, perhaps Angry could have been harassing him or even a crazed fan wanting more than just an autograph.

"Suzie-Q." He breathed, pushing open the door wider, as if hinting for me to come in. I didn't take the hint, obviously. Standing there staring back at him, I could already feel the pain in my chest strike.

"N-Nikki, I-I need to talk," I say, instantly stumbling on my words. "To you." I let out a shaky breath and finish my sentence. It's not too soon to run away is it? I'm sure Nikki won't be too bothered by not being told I was heading on home.

I mean he's an attractive guy, he'll find someone quick smart. He's probably still fooling around with Brandi.

Nikki looked to have swallowed hard before he nodded his head. "Alright, come on in." He motions before heading back to the bed. I could already feel the tears that were building up in my eyes. The stinging sensation, the warm salty tears that were slowly forming and making my vision blurry.

I can't do it. It's going to hurt way too much!

Nikki sat down on the bed, his eyes flickering to me who was still stood outside the door. I was already falling to pieces and hadn't yet started the talk.

"Are you going to come in?" Nikki asks. I was almost sure he knew why I was here, he knew what I had to say. As if Nikki's soft voice encouraged me, I slowly walked through the doorway and shut the door behind me. Nikki would have to know, he's not stupid. Why else would he think you rock up on his doorstep of a hotel room and become teary? Weren't many other reasons to think of.

"Come here, beautiful." Nikki patted the space on the bed beside him. Biting the inside of my cheeks incredibly hard and digging my nails into the palm of my hand, I tried to take my mind off of crying. Trying to concentrate on the pain I inflicted on myself to distract me from the tears building in my eyes. Unfortunately it wasn't working, it was only making things twice as worse.

God, I can't do this.

Steadily sitting down beside Nikki, I gazed into his stunning green eyes for a moment. The eyes that had captured my heart in an instant, the captivating eyes of the man I loved. With my eyes gone blurry as the tears filled up my eyes, I looked down at my lap.

I can't do this, I can't do this to him or me.

"Baby." Nikki exhaled and reached out, his pointer finger and thumb gently grasping my chin, attempting to peel my attention back to him. Looking back up at Nikki, I couldn't see him through the tears in my eyes. I couldn't stop them from coming, I couldn't stop myself from breaking apart in front of him. I was a wreck, my heart had been shredded into a million pieces.

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