Chapter Twenty-Three

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Being pulled against Vince as we continued walking along the path leaving Nikki behind, I couldn't help but smile. I was very satisfied with what happened back there. He didn't expect me to know things like that now did he? I doubt even Vince realised it either.

"Good on you darlin' for putting him back in his place." Vince mutters sounding like a proud father.

"Thanks Vince, I did it because he had seriously annoyed me. He had no right for what he did to me back there, nor does he have a right to be treating me like he had been lately. He's just lucky I didn't break his arm; I was thinking of the rest of you lot." I reply feeling good about myself.

"Shit he's lucky, but thank you. We don't particularly want to call in another bass player for the tour."

Giggling I shook my head and looked at the ground as we walked. I had been wanting to do that for a long time.

By the time we got back to the bus, or more realistically the bus had to come to us, we had had more then enough to drink. Tommy was drunk, Mick wouldn't admit that he was and Vince wasn't quite there yet. But I couldn't explain how much Brandi and Nikki had to drink, I was sure they had more then Tommy, but they were still up; in fact they were in the back of the bus, rooting. How ironic.

Listening to the fairly loud tunes of Deep Purple's Smoke On The Water, I watched as Tommy sat there with his drum sticks in his hands, pretending to be playing the drums all the way through.

"Go on Tom, settle down. Don't want to be tired for tonight." Vince states, still drunk. He seemed to be wiser today when drunk then usual, maybe his poison had been watered down more then everyone else's.

Half way through our trip, we had all discussed on stopping at a fuel station for every single one of us use the toilets whilst John filled the bus and grabbed a bite to eat. Judging by the conversations over the radio lines John was having with Guns N' Roses bus driver, both buses were pulling over.

Wobbling off of the bus with my black handbag hung over my shoulder, I gripped onto the bus as soon as my feet made contact with the gravel.

"Someone's drunk." Tommy teases wobbling off and standing beside me. We were the last off of the bus, everyone had seemed to stumble quicker out of the bus then us.

"You're one to talk." I note with a sly smile.

"Come on Sue." Tommy draped his arm around my shoulder as we walked by the Guns N' Roses bus pulling over on the other side, making Tommy and I have to walk the long way around just to go into the station.

"So much for going straight through." Tommy mumbles staring daggers at the bus.
As soon as we entered the shop, Tommy headed in one direction and I headed in the opposite, my walk all over the place, I could see where I was going it just felt like my balance was lost in my head.

"Hey there little girl." A foreign voice caught me off guard, barely able to stand still, I stopped and drunkenly glancing around, swaying a bit.
My eyes narrowed on a tall man that stood down the aisle. He had shoulder length straight hair that was the colour of strawberry blonde. The man wore some kind of denim vest over a brown skin tight T-shirt. Automatically I picked him out to be Axl, but what had me confused was why he was speaking to me.

"Axl?" I mutter slowly wandering over to him. I watched as the man's figure would occasionally drift from one side to another with my horrible drunken perception. As I had gotten closer I had noticed him light up a cigarette and take a drag. The closer I got to him the more I realised that I had no idea to whom he was and in fact he wasn't Axl at all. Should've guessed that, Axl wasn't going to speak to me like that.

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