✨𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝔼𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥✨

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• Ahsoka Returns •

After the loss of Fives, Athena threw herself all in on her training

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After the loss of Fives, Athena threw herself all in on her training. She pushed herself harder then anyone thought possible. She took her time to grieve her other half but part of her just knew Fives wouldn't want her to mourn him forever. Fives would want her to focus on her training to become the best Jedi Angel she could possibly be. There had been distractions during this time, A darkness had been swirling around her mind and calling out to her but Athena pushed past it. She learned to deal with it, to adapt and over come. She didn't have the time to be distracted and one day she would find her hard work would pay off. And that day was today.

"When I heard you had returned for a moment I thought Rex was playing with my mind." Athena said with a grin as she walked along side her friend on the Cruiser. Ahsoka smiled softly at her words. "C'mon, you know I couldn't stay gone for long." Ahsoka replied and the girls laughed. "Ahsoka," Athena spoke, ending their gleeful time, "I wanted to tell you about something." She added and Ahsoka turned to face her. "I have been having these dreams... about something which calls itself 'The First Evil'. It calls out to me, like it is asking for me to join in." She told the togruta who narrowed her eyes at her. "I have told Commander Cody about it and He believes I should go to the council to request to find out more about this evil, and possibly fight it." Ahsoka pressed a finger to her chin as she thought about what Athena was telling her. "The first evil? You don't think it could be referring to the first sith do you?" "I don't know." Athena replied honestly with a shrug. "Well, one thing is for sure, you cannot fight this evil alone. Not even with commander Cody at your side would be enough to help you, if this evil is as powerful as I believe it to be." "But where would I get reinforcements from? You're busy with Madalore and almost every other legion is deployed with the end of the war, hopefully, being in our grasp. Even Cody will be deployed soon to assist Obi-Wan with the capture of General Grevious." Athena replied but Ahsoka offered her a small smile. "Things will work out, I'm sure. Regardless of what the council says." She said with a wink after the last bit. "I suppose." Athena replied as she pondered the idea. Then a thought struck her. She didn't need men to fight her battle. Throughout the years, Angels assisted the Jedi. Women warriors with extreme powers. Not men, women. She smiled softly to herself. "Yeah. It will work out."

"Glad we are that you told us of this." Yoda said to Athena who had just finished explaining her vision to the council. "A great threat this could be. An old enemy it is." He added and Athena narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean?" She asked as she crossed her arms over her chest. "In ancient times, the first sith was the greatest enemy of the first Angel." "Diana." Athena replied, remembering the name of the woman well. "That is correct." Plo Kloon replied. "If he is back that could mean great trouble for you, Athena." "I want to fight him." Athena announced. "I want to end what my ancestors started." "But you'll have no troops." Shaak ti replied with a worried look on her face. "With the war reaching a close end, we cannot possibly spare you any men to help you in this fight." "I don't need men." Athena replied. "I just need clearance to take a ship within the next day."


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