Chapter 7

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After more and more filming, the first movie finally came to an end. Instead of going to set every day, I went to interviews. Today's my first interview on a late-night show. I was a little nervous, but my sister reassured me and said I would be fine. I was waiting backstage as the interviewer announced me.

"Please welcome to the show, (Y/N) (L/N)!" he said as I walked on stage to my chair. I sat down next to the interviewer and he started asking questions.

"Welcome to the show (Y/N) we are very happy to have you here."

"Thank you sir."

"Tell me (Y/N), was this the first movie you've ever been in?"

"Yep. I did school plays for my school but now I get to me in a movie! It's really cool!"

"That does sound cool. Now who inspired you to be audition for the movie?"

"Well, my friends at school said I would be the perfect person to play Jackson, so I decided to audition. I never actually thought I would get the part, but I was wrong cause I did get the part."

"And who's your favorite character that isn't Jackson?"

"I like Hermione. She's pretty smart and she always kind of saves the day you know? Like she has the answers to everything."

"That's nice. And what do you think about Emma? She does play Hermione correct?"

"Yeah. She's pretty cool. Emma's just as smart as Hermione, maybe even smarter. And she's pretty nice too."

"Now (Y/N) very important questions, it seems like you have a bit of a crush on Emma. Do you like her?"

"I mean I guess. Not so much a crush on her but she's pretty cool and smart and pretty."

"I see. Well, if you say so. What about the rest of the cast?"

"Dan and Rupert are cool too. I met Rupert at the auditions, and I met Dan and Emma on the first day. I'm closer to Rupert more than Dan and Emma but they're both pretty chill. Everyone's really awesome."

"I can tell. Well, that's all the time we have folks. Thank you for joining us (Y/N), pleasure to meet you. Everyone be sure to see Harry Potter and the philosophers stone when it comes out!"

"Thank you for having me here." I said after we stopped airing.

"No problem, come back any time you'd like."

I left the interview and went back home. All my friends watched it on TV so that was pretty cool. Interviews are fun, I like talking to people and answering questions. 

Behind the scenes: Emma Watson X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now