Chapter 23

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Today we would be filming the Quidditch scenes along with Harry getting his firebolt. These scenes didn't sound too bad, especially because I'm not in the quidditch one. We decided to start with the firebolt scene.


"Harry who got you that?" Hermione asked as she glanced over to the firebolt

"I don't know. There's no note."

"Isn't it an expensive broom?" Hermione asked

"Hermione it's the most expensive broom there is!" Ron exclaimed

"Yeah, it costs more than all the Slytherin's brooms put together." Jackson said, continuing off of what Ron said

"Well, who would send it and not leave a note? Harry you mustn't ride that broom just yet."

"And why cant he?" Ron sneered at Hermione

"Because, what if Sirius Black sent it?"

"Ron, Harry, I agree with Hermione. Harry gets the most expensive broom in the world, and there isn't a note of any sort about who gave it to him when there also happens to be a mass murderer trying to kill him? It seems pretty fishy if you ask me." Jackson explained to the group

"Well, we aren't asking you now are we?" Ron said angrily

"Jackson come on, let's just go."

Jackson and Hermione then leave the dorms, to go celebrate the rest of their Christmas together.


After we finished filming that scene, we went and changed for the quidditch scene. Jackson, Ron, and Hermione would be in the audience, while Harry was on the broom.

Dan got on the broom and he was all hooked up on different ropes, so he won't fall off until he's supposed to. Since I wasn't in this scene I decided to leave early, Emma had left as well. We decided to go to the arcade together, since it was still the early afternoon.

We had a lot of fun together. We played games, had pictures taken and we even had some heated makeout sessions, but we wont tell anyone about those. I went home after a fun day, eager to finish the filming for the new movie.

Behind the scenes: Emma Watson X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now