Chapter 22

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Today I arrived to set to see everyone waiting for me. We walked into the room where we would be recording, and we all got a piece of paper for translations of other languages. I was recording in Spanish, French and Portuguese. We all were going to say a few lines together, but most of them were of us alone. Emma and I held hands under the table while we were rehearsing how to say our lines.

"I think I got it. Spanish and French wasn't that hard to learn, but Portuguese was pretty hard." I told Emma

"At least you aren't learning mandarin. It's pretty confusing to learn if you don't naturally speak the language." Emma responded

"(Y/N)! They're ready for you!" Christopher shouted to me

"Welp. My turn now I guess."

"Good luck." Emma said as she pecked my lips

I went into the room and recorded my lines. I had the paper with me if I needed it, so I didn't say anything wrong. It took about a half hour to read through my lines and record them.

After my turn was over, Rupert went next, then Dan, and Emma last. We spent about 3 hours working on these videos, they better be good.

Filming was coming to an end next week, we only have like 5 more scenes to film, but they have the most special effects so they would take a little bit longer than most scenes.

We spent the rest of the day filming smaller scenes. We filmed the one where the fat lady went missing.


"What's going on? Did someone forget the password or something?" Harry asked

"Don't be silly, only Neville forgets the password." Ron exclaimed, a faint "Hey!" from Neville being heard

"The fat lady...she's missing!" Jackson shouted

"What do you mean missing? The paintings can travel to others." Hermione said

"Yeah, but the painting is slashed. I think she's gone, or maybe even been taken." Jackson whispered

"Head boy coming through!" Percy shouted, "I'm head boy, let me through!" as he moved his way through the crowd of Gryffindor's


With the scene being filmed, we ended for the day. Tomorrow would be filming some of the last few scenes, and we would finish the rest next week.

Behind the scenes: Emma Watson X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now