Chapter 7

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Tapping your foot nervously, your mind went into overdrive thinking you were in trouble for botching up a surgery. That was the only rational explanation as to why you would be called in.

"You may go through now Dr S/n" The assistant ushered.

With sweaty hands, you opened the door and saw your boss, aka the head surgeon sitting on his chair.

"You wanted to see me?" You nervously spoke.

"Yes, good morning Dr S/n."

Sitting down on the edge of chair to express your nervousness and discomfort, your boss smiled assuringly to you.

"Please don't be scared you are not in trouble. In fact I actually wanted to tell you that you have passed the surgeon's test."

Arching your eyebrow in confusion, "Passed the surgeon's test?"

"You see, the reason why you have been over working under insane hours is because I wanted to see if you were cut out to be a surgeon. Only those who can handle the pressure and lack of sleep but still function make the cut, and you did! So congratulations for that. To make up for all lost hours, please take the week off and from now on you will be following a roster. You'll only be performing surgeries if needed too, during the morning. 07:00 to 13:00. After that your shift ends and another doctor will do your rounds or take over the surgery."

"Wait what?" You mistakenly interrupted.

"And please don't worry about your salary. You will still be getting paid your normal amount plus the additionals per surgery." Your boss lastly added.

"I don't understand. Uh.. I don't know what to say. Is this normal here?" You enquired suspiciously.

"Well for doctors that have families, we allow their hours to be more flexible so you don't miss out on their lives." He sincerely stated to knock you off your suspicion.

Remaining quiet but glaring at your boss, you couldn't help but feel something was off. Of course you were ecstatic you can finally take a break, but your instinct was bothering you.

Did they not want you around often because you messed up a surgery and they don't want to tell you? Was someone else stealing your patients to make more money? Or do these people truly care about family time?

"Well, that's all I have to say. Please enjoy the rest of your day! I'll see you next week fresh and early." He commented, hinting for you to take your departure.

"R-right, sorry. Thank you." You curtly replied, closing the door behind you.

A few seconds after the door was closed and your footsteps grew distant, Hisoka appeared from the insuite office bathroom.

"Good. Dare you make her work over time again I'll take care of you personally. Are we clear?" He emotionlessly threatened.

Gulping dryly with beaded sweat fast approachingly forming on his forehead. He nodded in agreement. Too scared to talk to the infamous  Hisoka everyone knew and feared but loved in this city.

Not really knowing what to do with yourself now, you headed home for a quick nap till 12. Who would of thought a few hours of sleep could make you feel like a brand new person. Dressing up a bit, you headed to the mall to get some shopping done.

You knew you haven't been giving much or any attention to Maleeka, not that you purposely did so. It was just impossible to leave work without the fear of losing your job.

Gathering up several groceries in the trolley for a big and tasteful supper you were going to cook for her, you made another pit stop to Toy Kingdom to buy the toys you know she has been secretly eyeing out but refused to ask you for it.

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now