Chapter 14

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Back at the other mansion everyone else stays in, the gang, except Hisoka whom was busy getting stitches, sat around the kitchen table - all gobsmacked.

"I can't believe.." Pulling off the lid from the beer bottle with his teeth, "..What the fuck just happened." Grimmjow commented.

"I have never seen a fight between a male and female like that ever in my life. Nor have I ever seen someone, not even our enemies destroy his house that badly. Y/n has done more damage to his house than anyone ever did. " He added.

"That badly? Our enemies never even got near Hisoka's house brah." Hidan joined in.

"I've never seen Hisoka express so much emotion like that before.. I actually saw pain in his eyes for the first time." Illumi mentioned.


Sighing lightly, "I guess this is what happens when people like Hisoka and Y/n, whom are very similar in personality, keep their feelings bottled up for so many years." Sabastian said.

Since that evening in the car with Hisoka, he had an idea of what Hisoka was feeling and thinking, but little did he understand to what depth this issue ran.

"He actually said he loves her. Loves anyone for that matter." Uta quietly added.

Coming from all walks of life and personalities, one thing they all could feel was utter shock. All five of them have been with Hisoka since they were children, so witnessing their leader and friend act out like this was troubling.

"Fuck man, those two are crazy. Should we do anything?" Hidan asked.

"No. No one here is going to meddle in their business. Let them sort it out themselves." Sabastian ordered.

"Brah you saw what happened when they tried to sort it out themselves! They almost fucking killed each other because they don't know a thing called talking things out. '' Hidan counter argued.

"The worst is over Hidan. I'm positive after this, they will. Sometimes things need to explode and fall apart before it can fall together again." Sabastian wisely spoke.

Before anyone could say anything else, silence grew when they saw a shirtless but stitched up Hisoka walk in the kitchen. Muscles so defined, the stitches looked like it was going to burst at the seams any second.

"Where's Maleeka?" He asked with no emotion, but traces of exhaustion and concern lingered subtly in his voice.

"Uh, upstairs with Orihime." Grimmjow answered on eggshells, actually too scared to say anything else.

Leaving without another word, Hisoka made his way upstairs.

Seeing him, Orihime left the room understanding that Hisoka wanted to be alone with his daughter that was bundled up against the icy window crying.

Only after everything settled down, did Hisoka realize that Maleeka witnessed everything. Worse off, she heard what was said about her.

Crouching down next to her, a pang of guilt washed over him upon seeing her tears roll down her cheek while she pressed herself more against the window as a sign of fear.

"Maleeka.." He whispered apologetically.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He tried his best to sound assuring, knowing full well she's afraid of him after witnessing what he just did you.

"I-I don't b-believe y-you. You hurt mummy, a-and mummy hurt y-you." She hicked up through her words.

Frowning from guilt, Hisoka cautiously reached his arms out to pull her near him, hugging her tightly - causing her to sob more against his chest.

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now