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"Can you make sure to include the flowers into the frame? It would look so much nicer." I rolled my eyes at the person who said that to me, she is saying that because she wants the flower bouquet in my hands to be in the shot and it would look nicer.

"You are just worried that my tattoos might ruin the entire look for your photos and you are just using the flowers to cover the hard work and effort that I have done to get all of these done," I said to the photographer who doesn't seem pleased with my answer, it is obvious that my body art is the thing that keeps on wanting me to include the huge ass bouquet and have me holding them so that my tattoos wouldn't be seen. "I am not going to allow you to take any photos of me and wanting me to cover up my tattoos because I love my tattoos very much and I have spent a lot of money getting it done.

"Can I have a word with her? It would only take a while." Lee Wonho comes over and asks the photographer, and the photographer nodded her head allowing us to talk while glaring at me as she walks away. "You don't have to make her angry, you could have refused her from the start."

"But I want to look pretty and have my photos taken by a professional photographer but that wasn't a professional at all, she is just a conservative bitch who doesn't understand the beauty of tattoos and she kept on asking me to hide them with this huge bouquet because it is not fitting with what she wants," I told him.

"I just want my photos taken professionally at your parent's wedding and this is what I got in return, you should fire that photographer right away and have her retire from the industry immediately." I crossed my arms and looked towards Lee Wonho, he is wearing something that isn't his style because he is so much bigger than he was back in high school, he already began working out back then but he wasn't that big compared to now.

I feel like I am going to lose a fight against him with his huge muscles and it looks so much smaller because it is under his clothes and it is unbelievable that he can look so different in a tuxedo and in normal clothes that make him look like a weightlifter. He doesn't look the same as before and that is something that has changed about him ever since we graduated, he has his career and he is doing so much money and then giving it to his parents for investment to make even more money.

He is really lucky to have parents like that and they are finally going to have a wedding ceremony after getting married to each other for 3 years, they got married when Son Hyunwoo got arrested and they waited for him to come back from prison and now they are doing the wedding ceremony to welcome the other son back.

Even though he might have disappointed them with his wrongdoings but I guessed that they can't ever lose him as a son and I kind of understand why Lee Wonho is still happy to have him as a stepbrother even though he has done so much evil stuff and he had served time in jail for the last 3 years and he is supposed to change for the better when he comes out.

I mean that I haven't seen him done any weird stuff ever since he came out of prison a month ago, he had done his masters while he is in prison and he graduated with honours, even though he has a very twisted mind, he uses that same brain to study and he is extremely good at studying. It is no wonder that he was the student president back in high school, it is a pity that he decided to ruin his perfect life like this and nearly couldn't come back but thanks to his influential parents, he is still able to find a job in the company quite well and there are rumours that he might be the one who is going to take the company in the future.

Lee Wonho doesn't have the mentality or the personality to be a CEO and he is better suited for the entertainment industry instead, that is why he decided to be a singer instead of wearing a suit to work every day and talk to people about numbers and statistics.

"What to do? I still want my photos but that bitch just refuses to take them if I want my tattoos to be shown." I told him. "I even bought this lovely dress and it is going to be a waste of money if I don't take a picture."

He let out a huge sigh. "Give me your phone, I will take them indeed." He said and I took out my phone which he takes and holds at an angle. "Now say cheese and pose for your photos."

"You're taking a selfie, I can see that. Be serious about it and take pictures of me." He changed the angle and I posed for his photos and I hear the snapping sound repeated a few times and he gave it back to me. "I will hit you if my photos turn out to be ugly."

I looked through the photos that he had taken, I indeed looked very comfortable with my tattoos on full display and I don't need to hide them just because it doesn't fit into the aesthetics of this wedding and to society overall but I don't care too much about that, all I know is that I looked awesome and that is all.

"Want to take a selfie together?" I asked him, we have been friends with each other for so long but yet we haven't had any pictures of each other. I do have group pictures of him included but not the both of us, and I would want to have a photo taken during his parents' wedding and it would be a great memory for me. A memory of me being in the same picture with Lee Wonho alone...

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