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I eyed the guy who is still introducing himself to the class, staring at his damn face for some clues and looking at his name tag and back to him. He looks familiar, way too familiar for me to miss that face. My father had that kind of face when he was younger and so is his younger sister who is my aunt. Plus, his name, it seems like I have found the target that my aunt has been yearning for.

Her son, Yoo Kihyun is just standing right in front of me and he just transferred here today, showing his face to his same age cousin that he hasn't seen in a few years. As usual, the girls in this class will squeal and giggling over his good looks just like how they did with all the other good-looking guys in the campus, not the guy beside me of course.

He doesn't possess the extremely good looking quality that they wanted as he is just a regular nerd who is always controlled over by his mother who is always doing something that involves herself being so busy, not being able to live with her own son. I turned to face him and he looked really pale as if he is about to faint any time soon. His lips were pale and his eyes, they were dead focused on Yoo Kihyun.

I nudged him on the shoulder. "Hey, are you okay?" That made him snap out of his thoughts and looked at me. "You looked really pale."

"I'm fine! I'm just feeling a little hot." He fake laughed and I narrowed my eyes at him, not believing him. That laugh is so damn fake, there must be something...

"Since there are a few vacant seats around the class, I will allow you to choose your seat for the term." Mr Kang told him, there are indeed some seats left empty as this class has lesser people than the rest of the classes because of me.

They wouldn't want to be in class with a gangster who will ruin the class attendance and bringing down their grades for group projects if they are in the same team as me. In short, I am the worst student that they would ever face in this class.

"I will choose the seat at the back of the class, where he is sitting at. The seat next to him." Everyone's voices went down once he announced where he would be sitting at. He is rude, very rude...

He wants to sit at the back of the class where Lee WonHo and I were sitting at, and he wants to sit with him and not me even though I am his cousin. Or did he not recognize me at all?

"Student, I specifically told you to choose the seats that are vacant. Why must you choose a seat which is already occupied?" Mr Kang told him off. "And the seats that are occupied can't be changed until the next term."

He just chuckled. "It doesn't matter, I should have the right to take away someone's seat if she agrees to it. Can I take your seat?" He asked me.

"No, you definitely cannot." I deadpanned. "I won't allow you to."

"Yoo YiSeul, it is not like you are going to turn up for class every single day. That seat would just be dusty if no one would sit on it." One of the boys spoke to me.

"Who are you to talk to me like that? Just continue to study, this is none of your business." I replied to him and I spoke to Mr Kang. "Mr Kang, transfer him to another class. I don't want to have someone in the class who tries to take my seat on the first day."

"So, as what YiSeul had said, just choose a random seat for now, like what I have told you to do from the very start." Mr Kang answered his question. "So I will choose your seat for you if you still don't know where to sit at." He pointed to the seat in front of us, where a vacant seat is available next to the talkative guy who is always talking to Lee WonHo after class.

"Fine, it is still near to the seat that I wanted." He started walking over to our direction and he plonked on the seat, turning to the student next to him.

"Nice to meet you! I'm the best guy that you can always ask for help, I'm Lee MinHyuk." He introduced himself to him without ever hesitating. When does he even hesitate?

"Yoo Kihyun." He turned around to face me and Lee WonHo, he spoke to me first. "Nice to meet you, I'm sorry for attempting to take away your seat just earlier. It is just that I wanted to sit next to him." I rolled my eyes at him as usual, I couldn't be bothered by someone like that. He is not worth my attention.

"For what?" He deadpanned, making me do a double take at him. Since when did he even snap at people like that?

He will never say anything like that to anyone, not even to me whom he treats me well. Not Lee MinHyuk either who is just way too friendly and is a chatterbox who can't keep his mouth shut for one second. And he is someone whom he has ever met before, why would he snap at him like that?

"You guys know each other?" Lee MinHyuk asked. "For how long?"

"No, never seen him before. I don't get why he wants to sit next to me, I am not even that important to him." He stood up and I held onto his shirt.

"Where are you going?" I asked him, I don't know why I am so anxious about him ever leaving my side whenever we are in school. "Then what about me?"

"To the nurse's office, I'm feeling a little unwell. Tell MinHyuk to bring you around instead." He announced and he signalled something to Mr Kang before leaving his seat. What is with him? Has the alcohol still have an effect on him?

Befriending the Gangster // S.W.H (#21)Where stories live. Discover now