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I felt a piercing pain through my head and it hurt so badly, it is as if someone hit me in the head with something really sharp and knocked me out. That really did happen and I am being strapped to a chair, a very comfortable chair surprisingly because it would be a regular wooden chair as it is portrayed in those thriller movies.

I smelt blood from my collar, they knocked me out with something really hard and that caused me to bleed from the back of my head but it is not enough to make me die yet and I think that I will die anytime soon if I don't get treatment any sooner. I couldn't guess the time as I am being locked up in an enclosed space and I can tell that I am not on the ground level, it is either above ground level or below ground level where they locked me up in the basement.

It could have been an hour ago since I have been locked up but it could be a few hours because of how parched I am and I feel a little sweaty due to the lack of proper ventilation, where could this place have been? It is not an abandoned garage but a place that is still considered livable but the windows are nonexistent at all so I must be in the basement but in the basement of which building?

I have a lot of questions that I have been very curious ever since I regained unconsciousness but the only thought in my mind is for them to let go of me or I am going to go crazy really soon. And I knew who exactly kidnapped me here, it could be only one person who is capable of doing that and I was the last person whom he confronted before I got knocked out.

Son Hyunwoo, the person who claimed to love me like a real brother and will not do anything to betray me has done the impossible, he actually got someone to kidnap me and lock me up in this weird place that I still have no idea where I am at. I can't believe that he could actually do such a thing, we are going to be stepbrothers very soon and he is kidnapping his own stepbrother even though he knows that it is something that he shouldn't be doing.

Do our parents know about it? Does my mother know about it? Does Mr Son know anything about this? They are really going to get really disappointed if they know that their beloved role model son has kidnapped the other son, they are not going to be proud of him anymore and the marriage is definitely going to fall apart and crumble to nothing.

The door opens with a kick and I immediately shut my eyes, pretending that I am still unconscious so that they wouldn't do anything dangerous towards me. I heard the footsteps of two people because of how inconsistent the footsteps are and I could hear the breathing of two separate people as well. "Ah fuck, I can't believe that we are called here to supervise such a useless person." He sounds like one of his lackeys and they were complaining about the task to take care of me.

"Don't call him like that, he is still the future stepbrother of our boss and that makes him part of our family." The other guy said to him. "We can't offend the future stepbrother of our boss, he should be addressed as our second boss."

"Then why is he being locked up in here if he is someone really important to our boss? Why is he being treated like a traitor in here?" The first guy asked him and I hear him take his seat, he is sitting a few meters away from me.

"Because he is a traitor and we have no idea why he is considered a traitor to our boss but we know that we must never let go of him until our boss gives us future instructions on how to get rid of him, we are tasked to keep him alive and healthy without any huge problems when our boss comes to see him again." He kicks the chair and my body jerked up in response, that was something that I hadn't expected that he would do that to me.

"So you were awake, have you been eavesdropping on us the entire time?" The first guy said to me. That is not eavesdropping at all, he was speaking so loud that everyone outside the room could hear it. "What have you ever heard? Do you want to get your ears ripped out so that you will not be able to hear a single thing that comes out of our mouths?"

The other guy grabs him by the collar. "HyunTae, I told you not to speak like that in front of our boss' future stepbrother, he is still considered to be part of our family."

"But he is not, he is a traitor and he is below us." He said to the other guy. "You are talking a little funny, are you sure that you are not a spy? Who told you to do this?"

The other guy sighed. "I will never do anything to betray our boss but that doesn't mean that we can do anything to him just because he is a traitor now, we are told to keep him alive before our boss comes over to visit him and we shall do that."

"You are really crazy, I have no idea why our boss allowed you to stay by his side for so long." The first guy looked at me. "What are you staring at? Do you want to die?"

I wanted to say something but my mouth is gagged up with a cloth and all of my words came out muffled, the other guy noticed this and took out the cloth from my mouth. "Tell your boss to come here right this instant, I have something to talk to him. I don't care if he needs to be at somewhere, if he kidnapped me here, he would be really concerned if anything bad happens to me. I will die if I don't stop bleeding from my head and he will be responsible for that."

Befriending the Gangster // S.W.H (#21)Where stories live. Discover now