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I took a huge bite into the chicken wing that I have gotten for myself and it is dipped in the sauce which stained my lips but I don't care about that, the wedding has good food and I want it to go to waste, I know that I had worn this beautiful dress for the wedding but it is not like anyone would want to talk to me.

I am a girl with tattoos and I am dressed so scandalously at a wedding that people might think that I am at a nightclub and no one wants to talk like that who looks like that, and I am eating something that might stain my lips and I am not having one plate of food, there are 2 other plates all filled to the brim and it is making people not wanting to sit next to me because I make them feel fat and I don't gain weight with all the food that I eat.

I have been single for the longest time and I have already been used to it because I haven't dated anyone in my life and I could do that for the rest of my life, and singlehood is in the trend these days. People falling in love and dating someone is a thing of the past and it is rare to see someone who is alone and she is not committed to anyone, not that she is interested in a lot of guys and she goes out with all kinds of guys but she is comfortable being alone and doing everything on their own.

And one good example is me, who is currently pigging out at my best friend's wedding and I am enjoying every single second of it, it would be a good memory for me to do that at someone's wedding. And it is Lee Wonho's parents' wedding and they have been happily married to each other for the past 3 years and they are only holding their wedding now because their eldest son is out of prison.

That's right, their eldest son also known as the class president of my high school have been out of prison 3 weeks ago and I wished that he could stay there for the rest of his life, his sentence is way too short for someone like him. Maybe I should have been killed by him so that he would get life imprisonment and he will never get out for the rest of his life...

He went into jail a few weeks before we graduated high school and he stayed for nearly 3 years before he receives parole to get out early and he got out early because of his good conduct in there and he has done nothing to piss off the guards and make them increase their life sentence, of course, he would pretend to be nice to get out of jail early and do all the bad things once again.

I wanted to kill him as soon as I saw him but Lee wonho stopped me from doing that, he said that he is a changed man and he isn't a changed person to me, all people are good at lying if they spend time to perfect it and Son Hyunwoo is a total expert at it. He pretended to be the good guy throughout high school and he helped out everyone who needed his help and he beats up people once he gets out of school, that is the other side of him that not a lot of people know about and I was one of the first people to know that because I was one of his victims and I had to spend a few weeks in the hospital because all of my bones were crushed.

"Is that chicken wing that nice? You took a lot and you have three plates of it." I looked up and I immediately wanted to spit out my food, is he even doing here for?

"Could you please go somewhere? You're ruining my entire mood." I told him. "Go socialize with people that you are going to do business with in the future." He is going to be the CEO when his father retires and he is going to be the CEO just because he is the older one and Lee Wonho isn't interested in being the CEO.

"You're one of my clients." I had to stop eating this time because I am just so disgusted by his words. He went to jail for three years and came back looking like an idiot...

"I am not one of your clients, I am your brother's friend and I would want you to get out of here so that I can eat my food in peace," I told him but he is still standing without saying a word and he is eyeing the seat next to me. "And you want me to allow you to sit next to me?"

"Is that what you want me to do? Thank you." He sat down next to me and he even thanked me for allowing him to sit next to me. Has he gone nuts or what? "What do you think about Wonho?"

"Am I going to answer your questions?" He nodded his head. "I am not going to--" I let out a sigh as I suddenly realized that I answered the question. "I am not going to say anything to you from now on."

"Are you sure? Because you are going to regret it." He said to me.

"Why would I even regret it? I never regret everything that I say or I do, it just happens and the only thing that I can do is to accept it and move on." I said to him.

"Sometimes you have to say it before it is too late, and you might not get the chance ever again." He said to me and I just wanted to laugh and I laughed at him. "Why are you laughing at me?"

"You sound like you are going to die in a few months and you are talking to everyone you know for the last time, you are only 23 years old and you just got out of jail. You won't die so easily, you are not like a fictional character or anything."

"But I am indeed going to die in a few months and this might be the last time that I will be talking to you like this." He said to me. "I have last stage cancer and I am going to die in 3 months time."

Befriending the Gangster // S.W.H (#21)Where stories live. Discover now