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I looked at the clock and it is already 11 pm, Noona said that she would be back by 10 pm with a box of fried chicken that she would get from her part-time job but she isn't here yet. She would also give me a call to inform me if she is not back by then but she is silent today, very silent. There isn't even a text from her at all.

Did something happen to her? It better not be. I have been very worried about her ever since she admitted that she goes to nightclubs to compete in MMA championships and she would always come back with those injuries that she couldn't get it treated it at the hospital or the nearby clinic or the people are going to report her to the police.

I have warned her several times not to go there but she doesn't need my advice saying that she would be fine as she has trained enough to be invincible. She thinks that she is as strong as the strongest wrestler but she is far from it. At this point, she is going to hurt herself and suffer a fatal injury if she still doesn't quit fighting.

I wore my hoodie and bought my belongings ready to head out of the house and find her on my own. If she doesn't go home on her own, I'm going to find her myself. She is my only family and I don't want to lose her.

I searched through the parks hoping that she would be at one corner trying to rest from those people coming after her. No matter how I tried to find her and wished that she was there, she was never there.

And I received a call from the hospital at 11.35 pm saying that my elder sister is in hospital after suffering heavy injuries. This idiot...


I stared at the bandage that I got wrapped around my calf and it is in a heavy cast, my arm is also fractured as a result of the fight that I received from Son HyunWoo. I went inside thinking that I would win and of course the stronger wins, I got trashed entirely and they threw out after they were done.

My younger brother SeonHo came into the room with a packet of fruits and placed it on the table. "I can't believe that you are still here eating after breaking all these bones in your body." He said shaking his head and sitting down on the chair next to me.

"I have to," I said, trying to eat but the wound on my lips prevented me from eating anything. "Aishh..."

"Let me feed you." He took the spoon from my hand and scooped a bit of the rice and the meat putting it into my mouth. "Ah..."

"Why did you even enter there? After how many times I told you not to and you still went in there."

"I have to. Your tuition fee has to be paid on time and my part-time job doesn't pay very often." I came up with an excuse.

"You're lying. You don't even work there anymore, I got a call from your workplace that you have not been coming to work for a week already."

"I did. I didn't want to work there anymore, I didn't like the people there." I took a sip of the plain water.

"Then go back to school. Gomo said that she would take care of everything, she just gave me a call a few days ago telling me that she is moving in with us soon."

[Gomo is your father's younger sister.]

"Which one?" We had relatives, of course, but I couldn't be bothered with them. One, they don't even care about me, often not inviting us to family events. And two, they have families and have no time to take care of us. It is not like we need their love and care, we can do it ourselves.

"YeongAe ahjumma. She's coming back from America to live with her son." He replied and fed me another spoonful.

Yoo YeongAe, my dead father's youngest sister migrated to America immediately after her second marriage to an American husband. It has been years since I heard that name.

"I bet that she got divorced and came back here because she got no choice and suddenly remembered that she has a niece and a nephew that needs a guardian to take care of," I commented. "That is the only reason that I can think of."

"Her husband is dead and she came here to stay here permanently with her son." He corrected me.

"That's the same thing. Tell her that we don't need help."

He put down the spoon and stared straight into my eyes. "Noona, are you telling me that you are going to be stubborn for the rest of your life?"

"So what I am? Have they even helped us once? No, they left us alone like a piece of garbage."

"Noona, just accept it. She is just being kind."

"She just doesn't want to feel guilty and wants to be the one that takes care of us." I looked at his eyes, my tears threatening to fall. "She is just pretending."

"I don't care what you say but she is still coming no matter what. This house needs a guardian." He said leaving the room. "Noona, please... I beg you."

Ever since they passed away 5 years ago, I have struggled so much with raising SeonHo who is still a child and no-one has offered help before except them crying like no forever at that funeral and never appeared again. Luckily they left us with a sum of money or not we would be dead a long time ago.

After such a long time of neglecting us, why are they reaching out to us again?

Do they think that it is a joke to play with us and then ignore us for the rest of our lives?

Do they think that it is a fun thing to do to two kids who lost their parents?

Befriending the Gangster // S.W.H (#21)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin