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I stared at the door, waiting for Son Hyunwoo to be behind the door and coming in to see me but he isn't here yet, his men told me that he would be here in an instant but I don't see him at all. "Is Son Hyunwoo here yet?"

The rowdy guy hit the metal rod against the chair and I jumped up in fright, he just loves to threaten people at any time and he doesn't think of the consequences as well, a characteristic of a lackey and he can never be a gang leader with that thinking of his. But again, he chose to stay around Son Hyunwoo in order to be like him but he can never be like him.

On the other hand, there is the softer looking guy who doesn't say anything rash and thinks with his brain, I heard that he stayed around Son Hyunwoo for the longest and his position is like a secretary to Son Hyunwoo if they work in a company. He looked at me and then glances over to his watch. "Boss would be here in a few minutes, Lee Wonho ssi." He said to me, if he weren't a hooligan, he would be a very good boss or an excellent butler because of how he behaved, he isn't like a gangster at all as he lacked all of the qualities to be a gangster and I feel like he is stuck in the wrong place and someone needs to get him out of here for him to realise that there is a better place for him rather than to be a gangster and do illegal things all the time.

And the door clicks open, there were a few other people around and they were all wearing black suits, just like how the 2 people here were wearing and Son Hyunwoo is in the middle, looking at me and then smirking. "How are you doing, my lovely stepbrother? How are you liking this place?" He walks into the room, feeling like a completely different people even though he was still the same Son Hyunwoo that I have known but this is his real side and he has been hiding that side of himself for a very long time.

"Get me out of here, Son Hyunwoo. Why did you even lock me up in here for?" I asked her.

"Why did I lock you up in this place? I think that you should know that very well yourself, who do you think you are to be my stepbrother? Who do you think that you can be my father's stepson?" He seemed to be angry at our parent's decision of getting married to each other and then becoming a family, he has the same thinking like me when I first heard that I am going to have a new stepfather and a new stepbrother, I was so mad that my mother decided everything on her own and only told me about it when it was a month to the wedding.

And when I first met Son Hyunwoo and found out that he was going to be my stepbrother, I had mixed feelings about it. Firstly, he has a thing against Yoo Yiseul and he has almost killed Yoo Yiseul once, he is the very reason why she avoids him every time they are in the same space. And secondly, I never wanted to be close to another family member because I never had a brother and I was an only child. After my father died, I didn't have anyone to talk to and to share my interests too, my mother couldn't care less about me and devoted all her time to work and neglected me throughout my schooling years.

With the addition of Son Hyunwoo only made me hate my mother even more and my new family as well but it changed the moment I met Mr Son and Son Hyunwoo, Mr Son wasn't the evil stepfather like I had imagined or at least he didn't try to be overly friendly to me like all the evil stepfathers in movies do and then attempt to mistreat me when my mother is not around, he isn't like that at all and he acted like how a successful businessman meets his client for the first time, I kind of liked that a little and I wished that I had a father like that.

And Son Hyunwoo was happy and friendly from the first time I saw him, he brings me to everywhere he goes and buys me whatever he thinks it is good for me. I thought that he didn't know that I was close to Yoo Yiseul and he was being genuine and even though I know that he isn't a very nice guy, I trusted Son Hyunwoo because he is going to be part of my family and we are going to be stepbrothers for as long as our parents are married.

But I guess not after I have known that he would lock me up somewhere, he has finally shown his true colours and he is as bad as I have imagined him to be but not the kidnapping part, I can't believe that he can even do that to me even though we are going to be family. "Do you really hate me that much? To be your new stepbrother and to be in your life? Tell me, is that true or not?" I asked him back all the questions that I have been wanting to ask.

"I don't think that you can use the hate in here, I just want you out of my life because I don't want my father to care about you instead of me, I was supposed to be his only son." That made me burst into laughter and he glared at me. "What are you laughing about? I am not playing around, I am for real."

"That is why I am laughing, I can't believe that you kidnapped me just because you were jealous of me and you wanted to be the only one that your father cares about," I told him. "You got rid of me so that your father will care more about you, if this gets out, you will look more like a pathetic bastard than anything else because you attempted to get rid of me for you to shine again. Get me out of me and let's tell our parents that we don't want the marriage to happen." I told him.

Befriending the Gangster // S.W.H (#21)Where stories live. Discover now