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I hid in one corner, where there is no nearly no one around and I let out a huge sigh, my heart is still pounding so hard from earlier. I had just merely asked him what he would like for his coffee and that got me reacting like this, what the hell is wrong with me?

I shouldn't have feelings for him at all but it is hard to hate him, he is an angel and he has been nothing but kind to me, he was kind to a damaged soul like me and he still opened up his heart for someone like me, I feel so bad and guilty at the same time that he is being so nice to me and I don't deserve him doing that to me.

But my heart just doesn't listen to me, it pounds hardly whenever I get near him and it never stops until he is out of sight. It is kind of annoying to me and it is a reminder that I am still human and I still have feelings for another human. What should I even do?

I made my way to the cafeteria and bought a cup of coffee for him, the order that he wanted exactly and I walked back to class when a group of boys was walking into my direction, I got tensed up immediately and I couldn't lift my head up high.

Those boys are not the regular boys that you see in school that are needy and are in their own league, these people are way above that and they are fearful to everyone in school with me included. Especially with that leader who is in the centre, I don't have a good history with him.

From what I remember correctly, he was the one who put me into this state, he was the one who ordered his men to fight me all at the same time and then he fought against me for the final one. I could easily beat the guys if I were to be against them one at a time but he had all of his men who were in the same room to fight me while he takes his time to get ready and by the time that he is ready, I was already on the ground heavily injured by the men and he didn't stop right there because I was injured, he continued to hit me until I was fully unconscious and they dragged me out of the nightclub after that, leaving me to rot and slowly die on top of those trashbags but an angel saved me right at the moment before I was really gone.

If not for Lee Wonho, I would have really died that day and Seonho would have lost a precious older sister who fought for his education and his future. He saved my life and he convinced me to live on a new life as a changed person, along with YeongAe Ahjumma, if not for them, I would have gone back to fighting and risked my life once again and I would really die this time.

"What are you doing? Get lost!" I was in the way and one of the men pushed me away before I even have the time to react. "If you have nothing to do in school, then go to your class and read a book!"

The coffee spilt on the floor and some of it got on my clothes as well, if I were to be the old Yoo Yiseul, I would have to gone up to that person and grabbed him by the collar and demanded that person to buy me a new cup of coffee or I will make sure that he returns back to class with a black eye and bloody lips. But these people are not the usual weaklings that I encounter in school, they are the people of Son Hyunwoo.

He grabbed my collar and the headman cleared his throat. "Leave her alone! We don't want to cause a scene in school so early in the morning and haven't I told you that if we want to settle any grudges, it should never be in school. Didn't I say that a lot of times before?"

"But boss! She is a nuisance to our lives and it is only right that we get rid of her as soon as possible." The guy leans a little closer to me and I could smell the cigarettes from his breath, I hope that he gets lung cancer as soon as he can so that he can die off faster. "And she looks familiar as well, we have seen her somewhere before."

Another guy from the gang comes close to me and he lifted my hair away from my face and he gasped. "Of course we have, look at her bandages, she is that bitch who tried to impersonate our lady boss and we beat her until she is dying. How is she still alive?"

"I was strong enough not to die, clearly you haven't seen a cockroach that is on the verge of dying. It doesn't die, instead, it recovers from it and gets even stronger with experience."

"So it is you, Yoo Yiseul. I was wondering why I have not seen you around lately and it turns out that you have been hiding from me, I have told that I will make sure that you are dead because you are so cocky that you can win me in a fight. Why? You haven't learned your lesson yet." Son Hyunwoo clears his throat again. "Bring her out to the back of the school, remember to do it discreetly so that no one notices. Be back before the school bell rings."

The men all nodded and they grabbed my arms and legs, ready to take me on like what happened the last time at the nightclub. Why am I always so unlucky to meet people like that?

"Wait!" They stopped in their footsteps at the guy who showed up just in time before I get dragged away. "What are you guys doing?"

Son Hyunwoo laughs, putting on his nice guy mode immediately. "Oh, nothing much. She bumped into one of us and she spilt her drink which made her slipped, I am afraid that she might injure herself so that I told my friends to bring her to the nurse's office to get her treated. Who are you to her?"

"I am her friend and I can bring her to the nurse's office on my own, thanks for helping anyway." He took over from one of the guys and he walked me to the nurse's office, he had me lay down on the bed with the blanket covering my lower body. "Tell me exactly who they are, I can tell that there is something between them and you."

Befriending the Gangster // S.W.H (#21)Where stories live. Discover now