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I looked at the photos that I have taken of Yoo Yiseul and she looked so comfortable with her tattoos on full display, she had them ever since we graduated high school and she began collecting tattoos as if they are a part of a collection or something but it can be counted as a collection because she has them on her body and she treasures it a lot as well. She looked good in those pictures, she was sulking about it earlier because the photographer that was hired for the wedding refused to take any photos of her because she didn't want to cover up her tattoos and she would take them if Yiseul would carry a flower bouquet and hide her tattoos with it.

At least these pictures would make her happy for now, as long as she is happy, it shouldn't matter a lot and I loved seeing that smile on her face, it is a shame that she didn't use her face to smile when she was a few years younger. She doesn't know how beautiful she can be and only made herself hung over the past and not want to move forward with her life but I am glad that she has finally moved on from her past life and she leads a different life now.

She graduated high school with honours which she tells me that she doesn't have the intention of doing it and she is just lucky because my brother is not there to be the top student and I remembered everyone having that shocked expression on their faces when they found out that the school's outcast is the top student of their batch and they didn't know how to react to it properly. She joins the education industry after volunteering at an orphanage and she decided that she wanted to help out kids so she became a preschool teacher while trying to hide from the other teachers that she had tattoos, it went well for a while but in the end, they found out about it and she was so scared that she was going to get fired for this because it is not within the school's regulations and she is a childcare teacher.

Luckily the principal of her school is understanding enough and she didn't get fired and she continued working at the same kindergarten until then, and I don't think that her students had told their parents that their teacher is a bad person because she has tattoos. It doesn't matter to me because she is still the same Yoo Yiseul and she is still my friend no matter what happens, we are going to be friends for the rest of our lives and I am going to get heavily involved in her life as much as she is going to get involved in my life as well.

"Yoo Yiseul forced the photographer to take those pictures for her huh?" I heard Yoo Kihyun's voice and I suddenly wanted to throw my phone out of the balcony. "You can't deny the genes of the Yoo family, look at me, we all look like superstars when we don't even work in the entertainment industry."

"You are the only one who doesn't look like that." He hit me on the shoulder. "Those are not taken by the photographer, I took it for her."

"And you are going to keep those in your gallery and look at it all the time? I swear that you behave like a creep sometimes, does she know that you are going to do that to her photos?" He asked me with great concern.

"No, I am not doing that," I said to him. "If you were the one who took those photos, you would do the same as well? Because you have a thing for your cousin." I said the thing, I really said the thing that I have been wanting to say for a very long time, it has been stuck in my heart for so long and that is the actual reason why I hadn't tried to go after Yoo Yiseul when we had that kiss that year, I thought that Yoo Kihyun liked them and our friendship would get ruined if any of us decided to date Yiseul.

He looked at me for a few seconds, trying to process that information in his brain before he suddenly bursts into laughter. "Am I hearing things? Am I hearing that you are afraid of taking Yoo Yiseul because you thought that I had feelings for her, she is my cousin for goodness sake. It is straight-up incest and it could have been legal if we lived in the olden days but we are not, and I am certain that I don't have any feelings for my cousin." He called over someone. "JiNa ssi!"

A girl whose name seems to be JiNa walked over to his side and she looked like she could be his girlfriend or something, I thought that he was single for the longest time. "I brought my girlfriend for this wedding and I would not have done so if I liked my cousin."

"You looked like you liked her for the longest time, you had that look in your eyes and the way that you looked at Yoo Yiseul is like she is the love of your life or something." He shook his head. "Then what is it?"

"It is love but it is family love, she is my cousin if you are still wondering why I don't have feelings for her. You are the one who looks at Yiseul like that, I have been noticing that for ages  but I was waiting for you to pop that question and it took 3 years and your parents' wedding for you to tell me that you have feelings for your best friend and my cousin." I looked around me and I was afraid that Yoo Yiseul might be around to hear it but the other Yoo cousin heard it and he is running towards me at full speed.

"Are you serious?" Yoo Seonho said to me. "Then you should tell her as well as possible because she has been waiting for you to say that to her for the past 3 years." And the two Yoos decided to drag me to find the leading lady in my love life which doesn't seem to be anywhere near here.

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