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My shoulders tensed up unknowingly since I watched that guy walking up to my mother and giving her a hug, a warm hug before moving onto me and he was shocked to see me as well, he must not expect that I am going to be his step-brother in a month.

How can someone like him be going to be my step-brother? And why must it be him? I know that the world is really a very small place and you will meet the same people multiple times, that number will increase if you are close or related to that person. And out of the 7 billion people in this world, why must it be him?

If he were to be some random stranger that studies in another highschool that doesn't seem like he is a bully, I would've just ignored him for the rest of my life because he is not that important to me anyway. And if he is a lot friendly and cool than I have expected, then maybe I would try to be friends with him since he is going to be my half-brother for perhaps the rest of my life and it is better to be on his good side or we would have internal war with both sides of the family all the time.

But the rich man's son turned out to be Son Hyunwoo and he is someone that I shouldn't even try to mess with or even make eye contact with him, he has two sides of himself that he manages very well and he is very good at hiding the wicked side of himself. He may be the student president of the high school that I am currently enrolled in and he is highly respected by all of his classmates and they look up to him a lot.

That is if you only know his good side of his character, that character is completely made up and he made up that character because he has a huge secret to hide, he had to do that so that no one would ever find out that he is actually not the type of person that everyone has been looking up to and he is everyone's role model. They wouldn't want to even want to look at him if they ever found out about his hidden face that he doesn't show it to anyone but them.

He smiled at me, showing me the usual student president smile that he shows it to everyone and he gave me a hug. "Wonho, my brother! I have never expected that you were to be my half-brother in one month's time!"

Emm, what? I don't even know how to even react to that nonsense that I am hearing right now, why is he trying to act chummy with me all of a sudden? From what I know, I don't know this guy at all until earlier this week when I saw him being mean to Yoo Yiseul and even had his men go against the poor girl. And we have only spoken to each other only once and that is it, and today is the second time that we are meeting each other.

He gave me one more pat on the shoulder and he sits down in his seat, tapping the seat next to him. "Sit next to me, will you?"

I turned towards my own mother and she gave me the smile that granted me permission to sit next to the rich man's son, someone that I never want to see in my life. Why must Son Hyunwoo be his son?

"Hyunwoo, I didn't know that you were great friends with Wonho!" She smiled in delight. "How did it even happen?"

"Wonho?" He looked into my direction. "I was there on his first day of school and I helped him get through the awkwardness of being the transfer student and now he fits in well with the class and his classmates loves him a lot."

I swear that he is an expert on lying, he literally lies about everything in his life, even about his own life and now about his friendship with me so that he can get on my mother's good side. Now, she is going to like him more than her own son that she doesn't give a damn about it until this moment.

"Really? You are really kind and considerate, your father often praised for having such mature thinking and being friendly to everyone that you meet. You are really the textbook example of a student present in high school." She turns towards me. "I'm happy that you managed to fit in well with Hyunwoo's help, I just know that you two will do good as half-brothers."

Half-brothers? As if, I wished that the wedding is called off and I don't have to pretend to be nice to this guy who was being mean to Yoo Yiseul, she literally went through hell because of him, she was bloody from head to toe because he ordered his men to beat him up. Yoo Yiseul is reckless as well for pretending to be strong that she could fight all of his men without any difficulties and she almost died as a result, if not for me, she wouldn't even be alive and kicking today and having a good time in my apartment.

I could only smile as I know that whatever I try to convince my mother that Son Hyunwoo is not the kind of person that she thinks he is, he is a monster who doesn't care about their feelings and would torture them until they have no way of fighting back.

But thinking back on how I discovered Yoo Yiseul, she was destined to die off alone in that bloody state but I saved her from death, she was able to recover fully if not for my help and I helped her get around. Son Hyunwoo wanted her dead at that moment and now that she is still dead, his wish is not being fulfilled and he is going to be mad if he ever finds out that I was the one who saved Yoo Yiseul from dying. I don't want to die but I wouldn't want to see Yoo Yiseul shaking at his presence, I want her to feel confident again and that is my only wish.

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